INLEO Experience - Good Bad or Indifferent?

INLEO Experience - Good Bad or Indifferent?

The Title of this article says it all...

But what is my answer, and why am I writing this today?

#aprilinleo day 29 well, how we did? How was your experience with InLeo? Give all your feedback! Good experience and bug reports as well


There is a great initiative on the Inleo platform it is a daily writing prompt and that is the prompt for day 29!

This then is my experience with InLeo.

I liken Inleo to Chelsea football club.

I am a massive fan of Chelsea but they fluffing infuriate me, this then should set the tone for this post!

  • Just like Chelsea, InLeo tries to be innovative.
  • Just like Chelsea, InLeo management do not communicate effectively nor take kindly constructive criticism.
  • Just like Chelsea, InLeo management often don't answer questions.
  • Just like Chelsea, InLeo management can be condescing, patronizing, supercilious and impudent.
  • Just like Chelsea, some days InLeo is sweet to use, some days it is rank rotten.
  • Just like Chelsea, InLeo is a Work In Progess.
  • Just like with Chelsea, I want to trust InLeo management to deliver to the users a memorable experience.

The big difference however is that no matter what Chelsea do, we will always be fans! InLeo need to up their game to keep their users and gain the incredibly ambitious MAUs needed by the end of 2024 or return a hell of a lot of money!

The GOOD Experiences with InLeo.



As I mentioned they are trying to keep things fresh. The #threads short form content platform is fun to use when it works. This weekend being a prime example of the Indifferent category, it was down for most of the weekend.

But at least their is a microblogging element on Hive, the only other comment alterantive being Waves on Ecency I believe. DBuzz is short form but counts as a post so not really a comparable platform!


I am not going to mention LeoDex except to say I have no experience with it.
Trust, I am great believer in Trust, the InLeo breaks far too often for me to try LeoDex. There is money involved, I know I am not alone in that. It is not a case of oh my thread did not post, it could be a case of my 100 LEO vanished... I am not ruling it out, but that is my experience of it and why, which leads me on to another money venture from InLeo.


Yes there is a membership available for 10 HBD. And funnily enough I have just bought it for my main account! This is the first time on my main and yes it is a 30 day trial....

I pay for Medium, I pay for X, I pay for Farcaster so paying is nothing new IF you really get better experiences....

One of the perks of Premium as per the blurb below ....

.... More Curation on Your Blogs by @leo.voter .... so let's see how that goes over the next 30 days....

Will we recoup our 10HBD ... Make a profit? I shall report back!


The MonthlyInLeo initiatve from @tsunsica is a brilliant idea and I am glad the bosses have let her run with it. In fact she is the star of the management team as takes time to answer you (usually).

So I will digress for a second ....

Communication plays a major part in a project's failing.

That can be lack of communicating or providing incorrect communicatoin or a whole myriad of things....

Here is an example ... note screenshot of this comment from @leofinance post LeoDex: HIVE Inbound Swaps and XDeFi Integration

This new relatively new user had questions and as of five minutes ago nobody had replied...

Not everyone knows to goto Discord... speaking of Discord not everyone has thick enough skin to ask a question in discord to be answered dismissively with a passive aggressive emoji at the end either!

Customers make or break an experience/a project.

Weekend threading initiative was a great initiative to get some engagement going at the weekend.

The Weekly Authors I thought was a great concept. This was to include a poll on threads. The winner would be a beneficiary of a big vote, this started with whales voting but that died off. It must be said that 20% of a post would be to goto weeklytops so they would produce a web2 marketing effort...

Some of my community members stopped voting as they saw no evidence of anything being done with this money, nor the montly reports from the daily $500 DHF money... There is only so much sticking up for a project you can do when money is involved...

... but again when the polls don't work all it does it drive away users and all you have left is a hard core...

Haha now I think of it and we are back to the football comparisons, the hard core fans are ULTRAS ... so now we have the InLeo Ultras! I think these would tbe 1000 True Fans that @khaleelkazi talked about

Unfortunately these things flounder when the UI either does not load or some of the features only work some of the time.

I love the Underdog, I want InLeo to succeed. I am fed up of the haters the sniping the general crap that gets talked about, but sometimes InLeo does not help itself!!

My InLeo experience can be summed up ..... as ...... 👇 ⚽

When Chelsea click they are a fluffing joy to watch.

When InLeo works as it should it is fluffing awesome!

Sources and Reference documents

This article is an entry for this month's Inleo writing initiative.

You can find all the details in April Inleo Monthly Calendar Now Here!

Todays prompt is How was your experience with InLeo?

All ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated, note lead image is generated with AI on pixlr .com from a prompt by me.

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### **Haste Ye Back!**
@tengolotodo.leo April 29th 2024
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