Starting A Business? Don't Expect Failure But Be Positive And Practical.

"Expect to fail and you won't be disappointed" was a comment a colleague made today which seemed quite amusing to me and I instantly felt the person may have the wrong perspective about certain matters like taking risks, trying out something new and failure.


Sometimes when I'm about to try something new and get so excited and start dancing in my castle built way up in thr sky, I tend to take a chill, try to make my plans more realistic and don't set my expections too high, so I don't get disappointed. When starting a business, it is quite rare to find things playing out as expected and when things unplanned for begin showing up, people tend to get disappointed. If these things were planned, we don't feel disappointed and we'd just find solutions rather than worry.

While I understand that the best way to not be disappointed is to limit our expectations, I totally disagree that expecting failure itself will take out disappointments. As a matter of fact, I believe there would be a far greater disappointment eventually when you expect failure because we don't get to give our all when we expect failure. We tend to hold back resources , efforts and will because we already have failure in our minds and that is a negative energy.

The best we can do is have an idea strategy or plan, be very realistic, carry outbiur research diligently and thoroughly, and put in the work. Of course having expectations for a positive result, but having a backup plan incase anything goes wrong. This applies to basically every innovation, business, invention and even with relationships. Positivity is what drives us to keep going and even if we don't achieve the goal in the previous trails or attempts, expecting failure will only delay or stop the process and not help us in achieving what we aimed for.

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