Hive And Proximity To My Ultimate Crypto Goal.

Earlier today, I had a conversation with a colleague who seems to have left the crypto space due to the losses he accrued from investing in a couple shitcoins plus some notable coins and we just kinda vibed and talked about some plans we had for cryptos and our ultimate goals. He plans to get back when he has enough money to invest, but I pointed out prices were really low and if he wants to get in, now's probably teh right time (not a financial advice).


As for me though, my ultimate crypto goal is buying massively (over $1000 worth of crypto) every week , and it's quite sad how I can't do that right now due to economic circumstances. You see, considering how much is left from my weekly earnings after spending on all the necessities, there's just so little to invest in cryptos at teh moment and this is why I cherish whatever is it I'm currently holding.

Hive however has been a very good step in ensuring I get close to my goal, and this is just the rewards coming in as HP and HBD that sort of boosts my crypto investments. At this point, I really don't know how I'd be coping without Hive in the bear market. Things are pretty tough right now, inflation is at it's highest in a long time, and saving from monthly income isn't really easy in this part of the world.

I do hope that somehow, my monthly income increases via other things I'm trying out and I'd hopefully go all out on cryptos as I want. But for now, I'd just take things slowly and keep stacking my bags no matter how small the increment is. I'm thankful to Hive for the progress so far and hoping for a good change soon.

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