We Need To Focus "OnLeo"

This is going to be a rather straight forward article.

We need a lot of attention "OnLeo". The fact this is being overlooked is, quite frankly, inexcusable.

Before getting to that, perhaps we should explain what "OnLeo" is. There is a reason why this is in quotations. Basically, this is Blank on Leo.

I know, at this moment many are having flashbacks to Project Blank. This is not a revival of that circus. Instead, we are dealing with something that is actually a useful part of the platform.

OnLeo means (fill in the black) on Leo. It is a way to get things started by using tags when threading. It is also something that helps guide our thinking when posting threads.

Meaningful Content

The goal is to produce some meaningful content. As we know, there are not going to be Pulitzer Prizes handed out for threads. Nevertheless, the goal is to provide other users with something of value.

Here is a snapshot of the trending tags.

It is headed by the #newonleo tag. This has 93 threads in, I presume, the last 24 hours. Honestly, this is abysmal.

Why do I make this statement?

Think about it: how many states are there in the U.S? At the same time, how many countries are there in the world? There are 50 states and hundreds of countries.

Yet, there are only 93 news events over the last day. I realize it is a weekend but still. This number should be in the multi-hundred. Everyone can post something relating to their state or country that is of interest. You never know who will be reading it and could engage.

Of course, this is only one tag. The other of note is #musiconleo, something else that some of us are building. Notice the word that is used. This is all part of the building process.

Why are there not other initiatives? With all the people on Leo, how come others cannot come up with many ideas? There were a few that filtered out such as #booksonleo but not much else.

What about some of these:

  • historyonleo
  • quotesonleo
  • memeonleo
  • geographyonleo
  • celebritiesonleo
  • travelonleo
  • EPLonleo
  • weatheronleo
  • sportsonleo
  • swiftiesonleo
  • sitcomsonleo
  • comedyonleo
  • factsonleo
  • statsonleo
  • NBAonleo

Do you see where this is heading?

Just think of all the information that is available out there. How hard is it to fill up a some of those tags with a few dozen threads?

Let us take a look.

Search Engines

It is time to make Google your friend.

Is there a way to get some information in a quick period of time. Let us think about celebritiesonleo: what can we post in there?

Here is what I entered:

After all, what is more celebrity than Kim Kardashian? I set it to news to see what we come up with.

Right off the bat, we get some rumors about her and Odell Backham Jr.

Then we have news about her and Kayne's parenting abilities.

Next is are stories about her daughter's birthday party.

Are these in depth stories with information that is paramount. Not at all. It isn't my thing since I could care less. Then again, I am not a TMZ reader.

The point being is we have 3 subjects right here, if you were interested in celebrities that could be posted about Kim Kardashian. Another search with a different name could provide some more information.

Perhaps this is more to your liking:

Here is information about a single team in the EPL. This could be posted using the #eplonleo tag.


Why do we use the "OnLeo"?

This is something that serves two purposes. It is a way for regular users to maintain consistency. If there is a standard format, those who are regular posters will end up filling the tags, helping to align trending with what people are doing.

The other is what @anomadsoul brought up the other day. This is about culture. We are on Leo, something of pride. That means doing things differently than they do elsewhere.

Is this a major split from traditional tags? No. It does, however, signify something a bit different. This could provoke some questions from newer people.

Also, as we do this, others will follow. After all, the internet is a copycat world. When people see what some are doing, they tend to mirror that.

Leo needs to become a reference center. It is not difficult to make it a source of information. That is the bare minimum for a platform like this.

We can at least provide the users with the basics of information on threads. It is the ideal platform for it. Most have no idea what to write. The list above should provide a lot of ideas.

To be successful is going to require some effort. There is no reason why some of these tags cannot be filled.

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