The Butterfly Effect: Impact Of Little Things

Have you heard about the Butterfly Effect? No, this is not referring to the film by the same name. What it refers to is the idea that little actions can have major impacts upon complex system. This is something very important for us to discuss.

Over the last few years, I made a number of videos detailing how Hive is a complex system, much like a forest. Things grow organically, through the efforts of many "beings" with their own agenda. In spite of this baseline, the system grows as each aspect moves according to its "nature".

Since there is integration between the different components, the entire system looks like something that was well orchestrated. However, it is simply the result of many pieces coming together.

Hive is evolving in a similar fashion. Here is where the concept of the Butterfly Effect enters the picture.

We will not debate the validity of the theory or the science behind it. For this sake of our discussion, it is a mental framework that can help us to understand how it all operates.


Small Actions, Big Impact

The basic theory of the Butterfly Effect is that a butterfuly in India, simply by flapping its wings, can cause a tornado in Iowa. That is the power of complex systems and when things grow over time (or space).

With Hive, we should operate under the same premise. The smallest of actions can have enormous impact down the road. For example, a seemingly innocent idea could have profound effects in a year or two. While it might seem insignificant in the moment, when coupled with a plethora of other ideas or additions, we can see something magical evolve.

This is the epitome of decentralization. Nothing looks structured or connected yet, when we step back, it all is.

Here is a central point to Hive and, specificially, Leofinance.

When we see all the development, we realize that things are starting to form. It is in line with a flower blooming. For the longest time, it looks like nothing is happening. The bed is nothing more than dirt with some seeds in it. Over time, we see things change, but still a long way from a blooming flower.

What we are seeing with this ecosystem is similar. It looks like we are a long way from a flower. Right now, if we are lucky, there is a little green sprout started to break out of the dirt.

Of course, using the same analogy, we know that getting to this point was a lot of work.

Focus Upon Activity

Another premise that we have to keep in mind is that activity is paramount. This is something we discussed quite frequently over the years.

The key idea is "you never know".

We cannot tell what impact our actions have in the future. This is another tenet of the Butterfly Effect and Chaos Theory. We know things happen yet it is impossible to predict their long term impact. For that reason, we have to keep operating in a manner that will expand things, we believe, in the direction we desire.

Will the next blog post you write go viral? We have no idea who will end up reading it. However, if it is not written, we know the impact is zero.

Too often, we want to create the "hurricane". We seek those actions which be feel will have major impact. While that is acceptable if it is before us, the majority of the time that is not present. Instead, we have the choice of many little actions which, over time, we know will result in something much greater.

Here is where consistency enters the picture. The actions have to be taken regularly, by each person on here to have the impact desired. We cannot tell what will be the stimulant, only that something will eventually grow in strength.

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