Steemleo: A $1 token

Sometimes the price of something is too good to pass on. With the view that I have of Steemleo, this is a no brainer.

Earlier today, I noticed the buy price got down to 10 and change on the LeoDex. This motivated me to put in a buy.

Here is what the LeoDex looks like at the moment.


Compared to where I think this project is going, I think this is a steal. Sure, it is easy to make projections but I have been paying close attention to LEO. This is one that could really shine.

So what gives me that viewpoint?

There is one thing that I really feel works to the advantage of everyone holding the LEO token.


We see that, at the present moment, there are under 4 million LEO tokens available. This is out of the 5.5 million issued. Since there is such an aggressive burn, we are seeing the number outstanding actually decrease as time passes.

What I look at is the potential with, say, 10 million LEO tokens out there. Obviously, that is 2.5 times the present amount that people are holding. With an inflation rate that is not that high, it will take some time to get there.

LEO, priced at $1 would mean that the entire value of the platform is worth $10 million (presuming the 10M tokens issued). Consider how ridiculously low that is.

Steemleo originated as an alternative to SeekingAlpha. This is a site that lets people post their views while rewarding them. Like much of the internet, this is based upon clicks with, not surprisingly, the lion's share going to the company. The authors get very little for their efforts. Of course, this is a means to an end since the idea is to gain a following and sell them other products or services.

This brings up the question of how much is SeekingAlpha worth?

I did a quick check of web estimators and came up with this.


This site values SeekingAlpha at just shy of $100 million. While we might not put much stock in that, it does tell how much value there is. Even if they are off by a factor of 10 (on the high side), we still see a $10 million website.

Of course, Steemleo is more than just a website. It is a platform which offers a content/reward system based upon upvotes instead of clicks. There is also a marketplace where products and services can be offered out. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we see an exchange where trading can take place.

All of this is part of the platform. Naturally, we might be remiss by not mentioning the fact that the entire platform is tokenized, shifting everyone who posts or comments into a prosumer. The prospects for growth are much greater when you consider there might be use cases for the token that are not even thought about yet. One of the great aspects to this is that anyone can develop something that utilizes the token.

Some might think this analysis is a bit far-fetched. That is okay. It is often hard to see the potential of startups early in the game. That is, however, where the big payoffs tend to emerge from.

In this situation, I use the $1 level as a barometer of where I believe the LEO token can get to. We all know the insanity of looking for a 1000x gainer. Fortunately, this outcome requires less than 50x growth. The price of LEO right now is roughly 2.25 cents.

Therefore, I do not think it to crazy to envision the LEO being worth a dollar. There is enough potential that this could actually be a low estimate.

As usual, this is not financial advice.

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