Music On Leo: Turning Leo Into A Music Platform

Leo is changing before our eyes.

In spite of some technical challenges, we push ahead, building in spite of the setbacks. Ultimately, we want to make Leo a powerful platform that provides a great deal of value to the users. Since this is under the heading of Web3, the tokenization means that anyone holding stake has a vested interest in seeing things move forward.

So let us start with what is taking place.


The entire essence of this project is to push more focus upon LeoAds. We now have an advertising model which is designed to benefit everyone who has stake in Leo. This was explained repeatedly so no need to delve into that.

What we should concentrate our efforts upon is page views. When it comes to advertising, this is the main metric that advertisers go by. For now, Google is the platform that is being utilized. However, we were made aware a Leo-to-business platform is being worked upon.

This means that, at some point, page views will be crucial for the team to negotiate prices. It is a simple fact that a site with 5 million monthly page views is going to garner more in ads money than one that has 500K.

Music on Leo is designed to help with this.

Repeat Visits

When one reads an article, it is done. This is true in almost every case. There is usually no reason to revisit something once you were there.

LeoGlossary was designed to alter this slightly. Since people often return to sites for information, that has a chance to be a bit more active. There are some pages with hundreds of visits in the last month.

This is a step forward but not what we need. Hence, we are going to build something that really pulls them in: music.

By utilizing threads, we can capture what is placed on the site, catalog it, and offer it out in the form of repeat visits.

This, naturally, is what we want. Here is where the page views can increase, positively affecting ad revenue.


The first aspect that we will cover is the Music on Leo Albums.

Here is where we have over 140 albums. When we open one up, we can see there is a write about the album along with all the songs embedded in it.

Here is an example: Ariana Grande - Sweetener

Simply click on the album desired, scroll down, and listen to all the songs.

All of this can be done on Leo.

The goal here is to eventually have over 1,000 albums on Leo.


This is something that the community is working upon.

We have the different singles pages (for posting purposes). It is a database of threads that are posted using the musiconleo hashtag. Those threads are captured and placed in the database. We are using simple menu mapping and linking at this point. Hopefully, if we grow it enough, the team will be pushed into incorporating some type of GUI interface into the UI.

As things grow, we will be adjusting this.

However, the pages can be found as follows:

We are also developing pages of singles for the artists as the number grow such as this Guns N' Roses page.

When we open a song, here is what it looks like:

Right now there are over 550 songs in the database.

The goal on this one is to surpass 10,000 songs.

Submit Songs And Listen

We have a two-fold approach:

  • Submit songs through threads to the database
  • Listen to the songs there.

The first is simply done by creating a thread using a song from YouTube. The format is as follows:

  • Artist - Song
  • musiconleo hashtag so we can find the song
  • embed the YouTube code

After that, head to the links in this article to start to find the music you want to listen to on Leo. Each time you open up a song, it is a page view for the ad revenue model.


There are two tips which will make life easier.

The first is bookmarks. This will allow you to store your threads. For those who have Leo Premium, you can set up folders, i.e. akin to a playlist.

Here is a look at something simple.

I created a folder called "Rock". This is what is inside it:

Here we see a number of songs that is in the folder. These can be simply played by clicking on them, opening up the thread, and playing the video.

There is another feature with search in the community that I am still testing but it does look promising. That will be mentioned in a threadstorm over the next day or so.

In Conclusion

This is a great way to get things moving in the right direction. Everyone is able to participate. If we want the ad revenue to grow, we need organic clicks. What is more organic than a bunch of people clicking on the music they like.

Here is where we can see a huge shift taking place. When we have thousands of songs in the database. people can listen for hours without ever leaving the site.

This is what we are after. We know the tokens on the open market are rather tight. Pushing the ad revenue to even a moderate level will have a huge impact.

Therefore, take this seriously. Start to post music that you like and listen to what is here through the Leo front end.

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