Jack Dorsey: Tech Jobs In Jeopardy Also

When the subject of technological unemployment comes up, many like to retort "just learn code".

It is often thought that coders are going to be desired in the future. We are rapidly moving to a world where software is taking over. This is something that cannot be denied.

However, we might see a future where software is not written by humans.


That is the view of Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey.

Software engineers are high paying jobs that few see to believe will be passe down the road.

Dorsey claims that the goal of machine learning is so that the software can program itself. This will put entry level jobs at risk.

Thus, while the focus is upon truck and cab drivers due to autonomous vehicles, there could be another group that is on the hit list.

Dorsey recently spoke with Andrew Yang, who ran for the Democratic nomination for President on the platform of giving everyone a "Freedom Dividend". This is an issue that splits people. Dorsey believes that putting a floor in place is vital considering so many jobs will be replaced.

The coronavirus might have sped the process up a great deal. Over the last two months, more than 36 million people in the United States filed first time unemployment claims. With many expecting a very slow recovery, these people could be out of work for a long time.

In the last recession, there were millions who feel into the "lost generation". They were put out of work and were never able to find sustainable employment again.

Over the last few years, we see the potential jobs lost working its way up the scale. It was initially thought that only the lower rung of the economic spectrum was going to find themselves at risk. Those who were creative or coders, were believed to be safe from automation.

This is obviously not the case if Dorsey is correct. Software engineers make over $100K per year so losing this kind of employment would be difficult to replace.

AI appears to be moving into areas that were previously thought off limits.

A monthly stipend could provide ousted workers “peace of mind” that they will be able to “eat and feed their children while they are learning how to transition into this new world” by learning new skills, Dorsey said. UBI is not an excuse to not work, but rather a lifeline, according to Dorsey.


Dorsey is a huge advocate of Bitcoin. He is one of the leading proponents of decentralization and cryptocurrency. this shows he has his finger on the pulse of what is taking place.

This might not be a great omen for the job situation.

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