Hive: Exponential Effects And The Human Element

The organic nature of Hive makes it really powerful.

Few consider the fact that Hive is a network made up of humans, many who are fully dedicated to engaging within the ecosystem on a regular basis. This means that everything which occurs has the potential for impact.

It is easy to overlook some of the activity that takes place. Much of it is not earth-shattering. However, we have to look beyond the technical level to see where much of this is occurring.

This starts with viewing Hive as a decentralized network-state. It is an idea that will likely gain more attention over the next decade. As the digital realm keeps expanding, it will immerse itself into a larger portion of our lives. For the past few decades, we engaged in online shopping. Now, with the emergence of the newer EV companies, we buy automobiles through this medium.

From this perspective, it is easy to see how these "states" will have their own economies. What they are based upon will vary and, quite frankly, have yet to be innovated. Nevertheless, the assembling of people around a protocol such as Hive is foreseeable.



Exponential Effects

Once we enter the digital world, we have an exponential impact. This is to a couple factors. The first is the fact that our reach is greatly expanded. No longer are we relegated to just those who are within a certain physical proximity. Anything we put on like has the potential to reach 5.25 billion people.

Another is the pace which things move within this realm. If we think about a physical city, how long does it take for things to change? Road and buildings are constantly being built (rebuilt) yet that is a time consuming process. The "leadership" occurs on a set schedule, usually after terms that last years. Businesses move in and out, yet this is not something done daily (by a single business).

In other words, the world of atoms is slow.

This is not true for the digital world. A new application can instantly change the entire makeup of a "city". Something that did not exist even a month ago could have millions of users. Going viral reaches numbers the physical world never sees.

Both these cause exponentiality. If we look at a system like Hive, the connections available are astronomical. Of course, it is still miniscule compared to what ultimately can evolve. With about 10K daily, human users, we can see how growth will have even a larger effect.

The fact we are dealing with a decentralized, permissionless database is vital. Anything that is text based can be stored. This provides access to anyone who comes across it. At the same time, developers can opt to incorporate it into their sites.

We have an example of this with the recent introduction of Veews. Individuals are creating content at the blog post level of the blockchain. Veews is an application that allows for any post within the reward window (for now) to be picked up and put in front of a Veewer. This expands the reach of the individual while also providing the consumer with more content that could be to his or her liking.

Naturally, this could have unseen impact. Perhaps the person loves it and is moved to share it on traditional social media. Or, maybe an idea is triggered for another article, expanding the knowledge base even further.

The key is we are seeing the utility of information on Hive expanding. We already know from the decades of the Internet how information distribution (availability) was radically altered. Hive could be taking it to another level as it becomes a foundation for Web 3.0.


One thing that sets Hive apart is the relationships forged. This all stems from the fact that we have user identifiable wallets. While we might not know the person's true identity, we do see one forming in digital form. Their actions are what we are able to follow. They are not just a string of characters put together like Bitcoin or Ethereum wallets.

The human element is vital to the core of Hive. We have people who truly know each other even though they never met. This is the magic of the Internet. On Hive, we have projects in place that are drilling waterholes in Ghana. Most of us will never meet the people behind it yet we see them on Hive all the time. None of us know them yet we all "know" them.

Consider all the areas this can open up. We have economies, monetization, community, friendships, engagement, recreation via gaming, and a host of other aspects to the ecosystem. This is not simply a blockchain using distributed ledger technology although it does that. Nor is it just a blogging platform, a function it performs well.

Hive can be thought of as its own town or village. We are small right now yet the potential is for it to become a thriving metropolis. All the aspects can be expanded through the actions of all.

We are dealing with relationships. This means that each action is important. While taken in singularity, not much of an impact is there. However, in totality, what each person does is vital. This is why it is crucial for each to do whatever he or she can.

Many already made Hive the epicenter of their lives. This might seem a big strange although not when we consider where things are going. The relationships being forged often lead to more. Eventually, for many, real world meeting takes place.

At the same time, Web 3.0 is the idea of the digital realm as a centerpiece for one's life. It is the place one finds income, entertainment, information, interaction, and support. This will not come from everyone just like not all in one's town support him or her. However, we do find those we interact with regularly.

Network Effects

This is something that gained a great deal of attention due to the expansion of the digital world. Because of what was mentioned before, the impact of our actions is enormous. This helps things to grow in both numbers and effect.

The natural state of the Internet is more. It is an ever growing medium. At this moment, there are more nodes connected as compared to 24 hours ago. This fact will be duplicated tomorrow. And the day after.

We also see the flow of information growing. New videos, articles, comments, tweets, and an assortment of means of communicating will show up today. These will be viewed and interacted with by people all over the world. Hive is no exception to this. We are going to see hundreds of posts, covering many different topics, put out for the consumption by anyone.

The numbers are not relevant as they are simply a starting point. Understanding the process of network effects, especially when coupled with the human element, is crucial. Here is where we see the importance of all we do.

Ultimately, this is just a microcosm of life itself. We never know when something seemingly minor has a large impact. Even if it is just a smile at the checkout clerk, that could have an effect. Sometimes, the most memorable things with our children are the simple ones they remember.

The tentacles of Hive are spreading. We often discuss technology and how much we are advancing. Certainly, that is important. However, we could say the same thing on the human side of things. We have many groups forming that are associating simply due to Hive. How much value does that carry?

These relationships, like any other, have to be constantly nurtured. Here is where activity enters the picture. Those who are engaging seem to get the most attention. This makes sense. One way to stand out is simply to start appearing in as many places as possible. Again, in the digital world, we can do this rapidly. It is difficult to more from one bar to another. That said, if posts are a quick gathering spot, we can hit a dozen rather quickly.

The ability to stand out gets easier in that regard.

It is difficult to describe Hive because it truly is something unlike anything we saw before. Through tokenization we each have some stake. Yet that is only scratching the surface.

Perhaps the best way to describe Hive is as a digital home. That is how many feel about it.

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