Hive: Creating Whales All Over The Place

We all heard of the Bitcoin whales. These are people with enormous bags on that chain. Anyone who is in that category, with the move up in price over the last 5 years is doing very well. Actually, one is wealthy.

Sadly, for most of us, we missed out on that opportunity. Perhaps we had the chance to get into Bitcoin when it was a couple dollars each. If we even had acquired 500 Bitcoin, and we held it, we would be millionaires. Our bags would amount to around $27 million. Not a bad return for a little more than a decade.

If we scale to the number 2 cryptocurrency, we see the same thing. There were many who made bank off that chain. Imagine getting in during 2015 when it was under a dollar. Anyone with 1,000 ETH would be sitting on a pile of money also.

Again, this is a pretty good return for just over 5 years.


The point that we see whales in many different areas. On Hive, there are those who have a lot of that token too. While the numbers, in USD terms, do not rival those others, it still is a tidy sum.

However, we are seeing a shift taking place that could radically change things in the future. The fact that Hive is starting to churn out so many projects is an opportunity. Those who are able to pinpoint some that will excel are apt to be nicely positioned a few years from now.

There is so much going on with the chain that it is impossible to keep up. Even if one does have a basic knowledge of what is taking place, he or she cannot be involved in everything. We are limited in resources, both financial and time. Thus, to support each project simply is unrealistic.

This means we are going to have to determine where we concentrate our efforts.

It is hard for the majority of us to imagine being in the position of the whales just mentioned. However, if we were able to ask them, do you think they honestly believed they would be in this position when they entered those coins? Even if they were optimistic, especially about Bitcoin, few foresaw what we have today.

Certainly, there is a likelihood they saw the chance for a terrific return. Some might have seen the potential for life changing money. Yet, to believe you would have generational wealth, that is beyond the comprehension of most.

Yet that is exactly what happened. It is something that was repeated with Ethereum and is taking place again.

Thus, we are seeing whales being created all over the place. The question is how many will we see on Hive?

With so many projects developing, there are different groups forming. Those who are large token holders in one project are not even involved in another. This means the opportunity for the wealth spreading is great.

Of course, the ultimate outcome is going to depend upon how successful the project is. Those that languish, failing to develop and grow, will not have much value on the open market. The few, however, that do breakthrough, offer the opportunity for people to join the status of some of those in other cryptocurrencies that are very well off.

Which ones will lead to this end is impossible to guess at this point. We are still in the early days of this entire industry. Therefore, people have the chance to get into things on the ground floor, before they take off.

We should be realizing by now that the more that is developed, the greater the chance different projects will end up succeeding.

Of course, with most projects, unless one is simply dumping a bunch of money, having a large stake means some responsibility. Since one is heavily invested, either financially or emotionally, it is important to take action to help the project succeed. Often this means a great deal of action.

Yet, if we look at the effort people put in to just getting their paycheck, the chance to make generational wealth through our actions should be appealing. Honestly, the effort is no greater than billions of people do around the world at their jobs. The difference here is the potential payoff.

We also do not have to spend 40 years at it. As we know, the outcomes can happen in a much shorter period of time. Bitcoin is just over 12 years old, Ethereum approach 6.


People often question whether it is too late to get involved. Those of us who are here a while and understand what is taking place laugh at the notion. Not only are we still in the early phases, but there are new projects popping up each week. Something that comes out today could be a massive success in 5 years, worth billions of dollars.

There is simply no way to know.

The ones that will benefit are going to be those who have a large stake in these different projects. They stand to profit the most. Just like with Bitcoin and Ethereum, these people could show up to a new project 5 years from now with a lot of money to throw around. It has happened before and it will again.

When a blockchain is a "one trick pony", there are few ways to proceed. However, when there are many different projects showing up everywhere, then the ability to find a niche is much easier. This is the move that could lead to life changing money if one amasses enough stake.

One can join today and get started on the journey towards being a whale. It most likely will not happen in HIVE, LEO, or Splinterlands. However, there are numerous projects that are just getting started which could offer the path being described here.

Someone is going to be a whale in that token, why not you?

Opportunities are showing up all over the place. The question is who is going to take advantage of them?

We will know down the road when we see the ones with filled bags.

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