STEMGeeks rewards update

We put out a post a couple days ago discussing a change to STEMGeeks reward system. You can read it here.

Basically we were considering reducing rewards for anyone using STEMGeeks tags but not using

The reason behind this is to reward users who use STEMGeeks and reduce the amount of tokens early when just using one of our tags. Having tags like Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math indexed by STEMGeeks allows us to have a lot more related (hopefully) content, but it also has the side effect of introducing content that was poorly tagged or shoehorned into the community. Current LEO Finance & Neoxian do something similar.

Content created on STEMGeeks helps increase STEMGeek's SEO ranking and authority. This potentially allows us to bring in more users who are interested in STEM topics.

I have given the idea a lot of thought, and I decided to implement it immediately. It will go in effect in the next 24 hours or so and will be configured to burn 50% of the rewards of any post not created using 50% is a lot and it seems like a harsh penalty, but I felt it was important to have a stiff penalty as most of the content that spills into STEMGeeks due to additional tags are not specifically targeting the STEMGeeks community. There is also another STEM community that is frequently confused for STEMGeeks. A lot of the users who are not truly part of the STEMGeeks community don't have a vested interest to see the community or the token to perform well, it's just another reward layer for them.

This change will likely increase the amount of rewards burned on a regular basis. STEMGeeks already has a small inflation and small supply compared to other tribes, in fact it is half or less than most tribes.

There are a lot of other changes I am working on to create more value for the STEMGeek's community and token, so please keep an eye out.

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