Fund the Flywheel

From: Pixabay

I don't often write long form posts...and there is a reason for that. My attention span tends to impart upon them a rambling structure and erratic tone. Please overlook these things. At least skip to the end for the TLDR point of the matter. And yeah, I suck at formatting and any SEO crap.

Our fearless and indomitable leader @khaleelkazi has been burning the candle at both ends to create new opportunities for the InLeo community of late. The amount of work that he must be doing is quite impressive and much appreciated (at least on my part).

Some things appeal to me strongly and others not as much. The whole package however is brimming with potential.

These opportunities are now out in the metaverse awaiting their fate. Their fate is no longer in the hands of Khal and the InLeo team however. At least not fully. He has actually told us this indirectly and not so indirectly.

Of course I know this. Of course you know this. Sometimes though, knowing is not enough. We have to fully embrace and face the facts. We need to get off of our collective asses and do something!

During the last #LPUD, I scrambling around trying to gather enough LEO to stake 150 like I do each month. Alas, I also wanted to move some LEO to LeoDex and into the LEO/CACAO pool. One small problem. Not enough LEO to do everything. What to do? What to do?

This, in turn, got me thinking. Which should I do if I can only do one? Well, the 15th is only one day with a small window to act, so I powered up my 150.

After this, I started thinking a bit more. What is the best for InLeo?

I will shorten this up and not include a rigorous list and arguments for my conclusion which is:

I can better use my LEO (at least in the short-term) to FUND THE FLYWHEEL!

Wait! Wait! This is what Khal keeps telling us. The flywheel effect is going to be massive! It's going to be awesome!

Trouble is, is that it has to be started first. Not only does it have to be started, but regularly accelerated until it reaches a point that its own momentum will keep it going for long-term.

Let me make my point (finally). This what I am going to try to do for the next month as much as possible.

  1. Post/engage/upvote on threads as much as possible.
  2. Use all of my "free" LEO (some I use personally--and will not be available) on Leodex swaps, LEO/CACAO pool.
  3. Start a new thread tag #fundtheflywheel (done) and begin to engage and upvote there.

Some have already seen the #fundtheflywheel hype and are asking what it is. Well it is a place to talk about, encourage and reward the funding of our flywheel. Really though its whatever people decide it is.

I will be posting screenshots of my swaps/pooling each time I make one. I am not doing it to show off and would prefer people not actually knowing what I am doing. But... maybe my posting will get others to ask questions like how did you do that etc. Maybe it will encourage others to also take action. Maybe we can get this party started.

I will also be upvoting action that is posted on this tag (as I am able--no guarantee):

Posts showing premium purchase/renewal.
Posts showing LEO/CACAO purchase.
Posts showing swaps on LeoDex.

My upvotes will not be huge, but I encourage other lions to also upvote activity that pushes on the flywheel. We have to get this flywheel started. We can't wait for Khal to do it. We can't wait for other Hivers to wake up and see how great our idea is. We certainly can't wait for outsiders.

We have to eat our own cooking and lots of it :-) No one at the table wants your food because you tell 'em how great it is, but if you eat tons and tons of it over and over they're gonna get curious ;-)

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