Organizing & Filtering Emails Inbox - Gmail Management

What all do we have in common?? I think the answer to this is all of us have Gmail account.

Be it any part of the world, all of us owned the gmail account for different purposes. It is one of the common email service providers that we are used to now a days.

Gmail is a free email service provided by Google. As of 2019, it had 1.5 billion active users worldwide making it the largest email service in the world.

There are two things which makes it so popular, Firstly, it is a free email service provided by Google. Secondly, it offers several useful features to make your email experience as smooth as possible. Even for creating a google account, one needed to access Gmail because it is just one of the many services offered by Google to registered users. So whenever we are signed in to Gmail account, we are automatically signed in to your Google account. This also allow user to easily access other Google services like Google Docs, Calendar, and YouTube.

(my own image)

However, even after getting so many features, one thing really bothers everyone. And that is the unwanted emails that we recived everyday, every hour. Aren't we annoyed by these unwanted emails? Well, let me tell you that this is the story of every Gmail user. People will reach out to you, whether you want it or not, and you may be irked by those unread pop-up notifications. Sometimes I have more than 500 unread email notification. And when we access the email, we often spend extra 25 to 30 minutes daily to go through these emails to determine which ones need focus and which ones not.

This is a daunting task and sometimes we tend to close the window. It happens to me most of the time. However, there are way though which we can get rid of all these frustration while filtering out the emails. The best way is to organize our GMAIL INBOX. There are several ways, through which make it look better.


Prioritizing the Emails:

We can easily prioritize our emails on the basis of our need. There is an inbuilt feature in gmail which allow us to apply the filter on email as per our preference. We can filter our email, do so by using options like 'Important First'; 'Unread First'; 'Starred First'; and 'Priority Inbox' within the settings:.

  • Go to the Gmail settings.
  • Click on Inbox.
  • Go to the Inbox Type.

From the drop-down menu, select any of the options as you want email to appear.

Getting rid of extra Tabs:

Gmails offers different “Tabs” on your inbox like Starred, Primary, Social etc. All of these tabs are not required by users, therefore disabling them won't affect your work and eases our task. Apart from the Primary email tab all others can be easily be removed or disabled.

  • Go to the settings.
  • In the drop-down menu, choose configure inbox option.
  • Now disable or enable any tabs as per our preference.

Unsubscribe Unwanted Emails:

Our email inbox is the house of many unwanted emails. We are receiving tons of irrelevant emails on daily basis. Like credit card, education, banks etc. The only way to stop them is to unsubscribe it. One of the ways to get rid of these emails is to unsubscribe. Open any emails from the sender and then unsubscribe it or change its preference. The options is generally available at the bottom of the emails. We can report these emails as spam or block the sender as well.

Spam Filtrations:

The easiest wat to get rid of spams is to create a filter in the inbox. Once you create a filter for spam and transfer emails to it, all the spam emails will show up in this filter and you can easily delete them or ignore them. This is how we create a Gmail filter for spams.

  • Open Gmail.
  • In the search bar at top, take you cursor on the three lines at the extreme rights and click on 'Show Search Options.'
  • Enter your search criteria. For example type 'Hive Blockchain' in the option 'Has the Words'.

We can change other parameters as per our requirement and then at the bottom click on create filter.

Bulk Email Deletion:

We all need to have important email on our inbox. To keep only important emails and too free some space, we must delete unwanted emails altogether. Deleting one by one takes a lot of time. For bulk deletion of the meila follow the following steps

  • Go to the mail inbox.
  • In the search bar, write type is: followed by a label. For example type is: unread, if you want to delete all unread irrelevant emails.
  • Now, click the select all check box.
  • Hit the 'delete' option.

Starring Important Messages:

This is my best option to select all the important email. The best way to mark important emails is to “star” them. Every email has a star made on the email page. Clicking them, the email will appear on the starred folder, which makes it easily accessible. Starred emails appear quickly in Gmail searches and you can also find them anytime you want without spending much time.

These are quite an effective way to reorder our emails and saves some precious time. Also, these make our life simpler. It is always important to put everything's in place and in organized way to work efficiently.


Namaste @steemflow

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