Leofinance Reputation under Attack - Beware of Spammers & Phishers

Highlighting unscruplous activity in the community is the best thing. Though Hive always try to remain safe from any outside attack. There are many chances that spammers try to reach you in different ways. Today, I was greeted by one such comments that surely reminded me of phishing activity. Such instances is not new and #Hive fought such acts quite hard.

As @leofinance is expanding day by day, The phishers found a new way to con the users. This time through Witness voting.


The comments is 100% not genuine and @leofinance never promises to reward their user with #hive or #Leo token. Nothing is free, and one need to earn it.


Such link will definatelly allow the phishers easy access to your keys and you yourself handing all charges of your account to users.

Never carry away with the Greed of free money. Once I already lost $300 through such phishing link. Being alert and active is only way to remain safe. Leofinance is growing and it will be easy for scammers and phishers to target potential users with fake offering.

The best way to be remain safe is either to avoid such message and report the issues with the concerned community admin. I did that and highlight this instance es to official.discord channel. Expecting them to take appropriate action.

But from user point of view the best thing is to remain alert and never fell into trap.

Peace !!

Namaste @steemflow

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