What does WW3 mean for gold and silver?

Nothing is immune to panic

If everything is going down you can be sure that gold and silver would be going down too

But when the storm settles, one thing is for sure, gold and silver are in HIGH demand

Every time gold and silver had an epic crash, for example during the Covid dip, when EVERYTHING was down… gold and silver were down too, sure

But try buying some

Everywhere was out of stock, even when premiums were high, no one was able to buy anything

Thats the difference with metals

They go out of stock

Have you ever seen an exchange say “sorry, we are out of bitcoin, please try again later”

No, personally, I have never seen that

Sure some exchange no one has ever heard of maybe ran out of coins, but in general, there’s no problem getting order execution

However, gold and silver, needs to be bought physically (im not talking about paper contracts)

Now of course you can go to your local gold and silver store

I am sure they had plenty of stock, but online? Forget about it

Every website I went to was out of stock

If full on war breaks out, I can see the out of stock trend pick up, regardless of price performance

So if you have some pieces you have been on the fence about getting, just go on and get it :)

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