Steak & Eggs

If you are a vegan you won’t like this post.

If you are into the carnivore diet this is right up your ally

Also keto diet aligns perfectly with this



Have you ever watched competitive eaters?

The guys who eating a crazy amount of hot dogs, pasta, tacos etc etc…

Search “ice cream, fries”

You should find the video about a guy who was trying to break some ice cream records

He was eating a lot of ice cream and got to the point where he couldn’t take another bite

What he did was order a large plate of hot salty crispy fries

You might think “he is having trouble eating the ice cream why would he order MORE food?”

Well, turns out when you eat multiple different types of food it opens your appetite.

Apparently the people who are professional eaters have charts shows what you should pair with what youre eating.

Like if you are eating ice cream pair it with salty crispy fries, if you are eating hot dogs pair it with XYZ and etc

So he started eating the fries and boom was able to put down way more ice cream

The other weak, I just had a steak, nothing else, just a big juicy steak.

I had trouble finishing it off, I was so full..

But then a few days later I had this steak and eggs, it went down way easier with the eggs and the yolk

Was such a delicious pair

I could honestly eat this every morning if someone made it for me, some days I just don’t feel like going in front of the stove haha

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