A caterer joins Hive: My introduction

Hello everyone, I'm Nwafor Chidiebere Faith but my friends call me Soina. I'm a Nigerian, from Anambra state. I was introduce into this platform by my best friend Mr Val. He has not joined Hive yet.

I am undergraduate of business administration in Abia State Polytechnic. Business admin is a course that has always been my passion. I believe that it would be very helpful for me to achieve all my future goals. I hope to develop my conceptual and quantitative skills in terms of analyzing business issues. I hope to start up a new business once I graduate.

My background
I have few things to say about myself. I came from a family of 5 girls, no male child in my family. I'm the 1st daughter in my family, I'm 21 years. Our second daughter is 20 years and her name is confidence Nwafor. She is the cutest in my family and very stubborn one for that matter, but she's intelligent as well.

Our 3rd daughter is 18 this year, very tall, respectful and hardworking. Our fourth daughter will be 13 this year, she is still in senior secondary school. She is full of vibes and always make sure she takes care of the house chore swhen she is back from school. And the baby of the house which is our last born, Nwafor success is still in junior secondary school J. S. S 1. She will be 10 this year. I love her a lot because she don't like seeing me hurt and she always make sure nothing happens to me. She likes giving me stuffs to share with her especially food. 🤦God I can't love her less.

Life has been tough
After my father left us because my mom couldn't bear a male child for him, life hasn't been easy for us. My mother has been the one taking care of us. She makes sure we are in school. She takes care of our school feels, feeding, clothing and rent. 😔🤦God it hasn't been easy, she has been taking care of us with her small business. My mother sells pepper in the market to feed us everyday. It was a point where things wasn't moving well again that I had to live with my uncle. That was where I had my high school education in Abia state.

After I moved in to be with my Uncle, I started high school. The name of my high school is Footsteps international Academy. My uncle is a kind man and really tried for me. He took very good care of me. He makes sure am always happy. After I completed my high school education, I applied to study business administration in Abia state Polytechnic. I got admission. But, my mom had to take over from my uncle because he wasn't doing well financially. Things were very tough for him as his business was going down. My mom have no option than to take over from him although she was struggling as well. So when I saw how bad situation was, I had to start looking and applying for jobs everywhere.

Fortunately, I found a job in MTN office. I had to use the little amount of money I was making to take care of myself and studies. It's hasn't been easy, but I still thank God for providing me the job. Happily, I am undergoing my first industrial training and am into catering now. I am no longer working with MTN again because I needed some skills before I continue my final year next year.

I love cooking. I enjoy staying a whole day in kitchen trying out new recipes and it started when I was a kid. I also love traveling because it helps me to experience new things like, culture and new cuisines. Travelling gives me the opportunity to learn new things and enjoy the beauty of nature . It enables me to live for a while, to learn a different lifestyle and away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Dancing is another hobby of mine. I could remember when I was little. I danced a lot. When am stressed, dancing helps to reduces it for me. And the happiness hormones, endorphins, that release as a result of dancing contribute towards making me feel better about myself and my life as whole.

I'm so glad I'm here and I hope to connect with a lots of people. I hope to learn new things, share ideas together, and also meet some lovely friends. It would be nice to acquire knowledge and experience too. I look forward to publishing useful and original content. It's my pleasure meeting you all and I can't wait to read your interesting write ups. Lets grow together 😘🥰🥰😘😀

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