Rent this face: do celebrity endorsements still work?


Do celebrities and influencers still matter?

  • This mornings Taskmaster post on Elon Musk announcing he is done with crypto was less about Elon then it was about our fascination with Elon and celebrities like him.
  • ‘In my humble option .. of course
  • To me all the hullabaloo about Elon dumping crypto misses the point.
  • ‘The point here is that crypto is about freeing yourself from a system that limits your financial options and capabilities and allows you entrance into one without limits.
  • ‘This is true freedom and true power. And with that freedom and power comes great responsibility.
  • As my dad use to say: Your big enough to make your own decisions, and your big enough to own the consequences. The police aren’t going to call my dad down to the Police station and admonish him for my behavior, they are going to admonish me.
  • As my dad use to say, I beat you, so the world doesnt get to, and I beat you with love in my heart, while the world beats you with anger in it’s heart.
  • Harsh words for sure, but truer words were perhaps never spoken by the world.
  • ‘The world lies, hides the truth, and we shun those rare individuals who tell us the truth.

Back to crypto

  • ‘Crypto is the ultimate point of growing up and controlling our finances. If we lose our keys, we lose our crypto.
  • ‘If we transfer our crypto to a scammer, we lose our crypto.
  • ‘If we buy FTX tokens and put all our money into FTX exchange and lose all our crypto, we lose all our crypto.
  • ‘We are big enough to make our own decisions about where we put our crypto, and we own those decisions, and the consequences.
  • ‘I think Kevin O’Leary made decisions which he now has to own, along with any consequences. He is a grown man, he can handle it.
  • ‘We as adults need to own our own decisions, learn about cryptocurrency, blockchain, private keys, and make our decisions with our own minds and not follow celebrity endorsements as if we are using their minds, the minds which made them rich and famous, to make us rich and famous? Life doesn’t work that way. A celebrity endorsement isn’t the celebrity loaning us their mind. It’s the celebrity selling their name and reputation. We need to recognize that and act accordingly.
  • @shortsegments

Picture of Kim KardashianSource

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