My Experience, step by step, with b-Leo, Cub, MetaMask, Binance Smart Chain and Cub Finance.


This is my version of a walk through of what I did to claim my air drop of Cub and participate in the Liquidity Pools on Cub Finance. At the end I will put the web page address of all the Cub Finance Instructions. The index will make a lot more sense to you after this article.

My Experience with Cub Finance

Essential Pre-Air Drop Prep don’t skip*

First, set up Metamask wallet properly to choose the right network and create proper wallets to receive both b-Leo and Cub. Otherwise your tokens will be lost. These are crypto tokens which can only be used on the Binance Smart Chain.

Second, you need to add the Binance Smart Chain wallet to your Metamask.

Third, once you do that change your Metamask network from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain.

Fourth, create two custom coins on Binance ;
B-Leo and Cub. You will need specific contract addresses for both, you will find that in the documents section of Cub Finance website.
Copy both those addresses, you will need to paste them into certain boxes later.

Now your Binance Smart Chain wallets on Metamask are ready to receive both b-Leo and Cub.

Cub Air Drop

This was simple,
First, I waited until my tokens were in my Leofinance/Hive wallet. Remember exactly how many you have.

Second, I clicked the link from link to go to the Cub finance claim site:

Third, I filled out the box which said How many Cub do you want to claim? I chose all, and filled in the number of Cub. We only have 7 days to claim them, so I took them all.

Fourth, I fill out the box asking me for my Cub wallet address on Binance Smart Chain Wallet. Done.

I filled out the box, which said What is your Hive name? done.

Fifth, a box below says submit, I click it.

Sixth, a Hivesigner box pens asking for my Hivesigner Username and Hivesigner password. I complete it and I am done.

Seventh, I open my Metamask, go to my wallet and my Cub is there.

Simple..LOL.. a relative term for sure.

Creating B-Leo

We don’t get air dropped B-Leo we create it using Leo we earn.

Leo is a Hive blockchain token, we can use it on Hive but not Binance Smart Chain.

We trade it for a Binance Token called B-Leo, which we can now use on the Binance Smart Token.

First, I click on the link in the section of the Cub Finsnce Docs marked creating B-Leo. It takes me to a website where I will trade my Leo for B-Leo.

Second, when I get there I see two boxes. One says How many Leo do you want to trade for b-Leo? I put in a number.

Third, I see a second box which asks me for my B-Leo wallet address on Binance Smart Chain. I add the address I made in the Air Drop Prep.

Fourth, a box opens asking me my hive name. I type it in, and down below is another box which says submit. I click it. And the Hivesigner process starts. I add my Hivesigner name and password. I complete the next page of the Hivesigner process and click approve. It says transaction completed.

Fifth, I leave this webpage and open my Metamask wallet, select Binance smart chain as my network, then check and my b-Leo is in my wallet.

Obtaining BNB Token

Now when you participate in DeFi on Uniswap it’s an Ethereum blockchain based platform and you need to have Ether in your Metamask wallet to pay transaction fees or gas.

Now that your on Binance Smart Chain, you need BNB token to pay transaction fees. This is the equivalent of gas fees on Uniswap or any Ethereum blockchain based platform.

I copy my Binance wallet address, then go to an exchange where BNB is listed, buy some and then send it to my Binance smart chain BNB wallet.

Now I am ready to connect my Metamask wallet to Cub finance!

I copy the web page address or URL, from the Cub Finance Docs.

I open my Metamask wallet, making sure I choose Binance smart chain as the network, nit Ethereum network.

I open the navigation section, and paste the Cub finance address into the box.

It navigates to Cub Finance and I smile, but it’s not done.

You need to connect your wallet by clicking connect wallet in upper right.

A dialogue box should open, asking you if your sure you want to expose your public keys. You think to yourself, they are public keys like the address of my house, and thus is step 53 of this process... Yes!

Now you can select trade and under trade choose either liquidity pool or go to farms or dens.

The one I chose was liquidity pools.

I chose the BNB-Cub pool, and added all my Cub and a dollar equivalent amount of BNB. I read the APR it was 2000%. The pool has 743,000 dollars usd in it!

I then chose the BNB-B-Leo pool. I added all my B-Leo and a dollar equivalent amount of BNB. The APR was 4000%. The pool contained 714,000 usd.

There are LP pools and other pools and farms. There are about 20 different things you can invest in.

My thoughts

#First, Khal and team made the air drop easy. It may not look like it, if you count the steps, but considering the complexity of what they achieved, the process they designed was very easy to follow.

#Second, Binance Smart chain uses BNB for gas, and it’s really cheap. About 1/100 to 1/130 the cost of ether fees. I am extrapolating as BNB is $260 plus and Ether $1700 , but the fees are small fractions 0.00005 BNB. #Cheap

#Third, Binance Smart Chain is fast. My transactions took seconds.

#Fourth, the APR’s are crazy high. I am sure they will come down, but I am not complaining.

#Fifth, I made some mistakes and had to do some steps multiple times. I decided to write this while everything was fresh in my mind. I hope you follow what I described, so you avoid those mistakes.

#Sixth, You are thinking, it seems like a lot of steps, it is, but it’s also very fast.

I read some very helpful posts, and followed their instructions exactly. But I realized when I wrote this that some posts assumed knowledge.

So I decided not to assume you have a lot of knowledge. I hope that helps.

I repeat some parts to underscore their importance. If you miss those steps the buttons won’t work. I was pressing buttons multiple times, until I saw what I missed, so I wrote it down now, because tomorrow I will forget.

Lastly, This was my first time with this Binance smart chain. I did it and so did many other people on discord, who never did something like this before. You can do it also.

Get a good nights rest, and bring a healthy amount of tenacity, patience and focus on carefully reading the instructions, and you will be amazed that You can do this.

Plus this is Leofinance, a community, there’s lots of people willing to help, if you ask.

Penned with my hand. @shortsegments

I came for the crypto and stayed for the community.



As promised ; You need these web addresses and you can see from the index the sections you need.




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