Leo Power Up Day : LPUD


Leo Power Up Day

  • Once again we are faced with a choice to power up or spend our Leo. In a bear market cash flows from altcoins to Bitcoin, as people flee altcoins to preserve their capitol.
  • This may be wise during the beginning of the bear market, and I am sure many here did that, hopefully a flight to stablecoins the true preservers of caspitol in our ecosystem.
  • But now at this late juncture I think the prudent thing to do is use that cash to buy your faorite altcoins on sale.
  • Why?

Fortunes are made during the bear market.

  • I think most of the BItcoin millionaires built those large piles of Bitcoin buying Bitcoin when everyone else was selling, and it was cheap.
  • As Warren Buffet the stock billionaire says: Be brave when others are fearful, and be fearful when others are brave. Or sell when others are buyng and buy when others are selling.
  • This is my stratehy, to buy during the bear market to build my stack for coming bull market.
  • How do I know the bull is coming?

The bull always follows the bear, like the sun follows the moom, and day follows night.

  • I dont know when the bull is coming, but I know it is coming.
  • And I know that if I want to profit when it gets here I need to build my stack.
  • Plus I actually believe this project is going to be great in the future, and those that put in the time and effort now to build their stacks and networks will profit in the coming years.

So high ho, hi ho, it's off to LPUD I go.
One day I will have that three piece suit and gold pocket watch, but for now, I stack my bags and look to the future.


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