INLEO and Bloom community symbiosis



  • What is it
  • How do you earn
  • How do you join
  • What is the Bloom Community and CUTE strategy
  • Why did the Bloom Community form and why is the Cute Strategy needed?

What is INLEO

  • INLEO is a social media community on the Hive Blockchain Sidechain, Hive-Engine.
  • INLEO is a Tokenized Social Media Platform, which means you post content, upvote content and comment on content to earn or get paid in cryptocurrency tokens called Hive and Leo. You can then sell these tokens for your countries currency, US Dollars or other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum or Stablecoins like USDT, USDC .

How do you earn?

  • Comment and your comments may be upvoted, the upvotes are money. You get paid Hive, Leo and Hive Backed Dollars
  • Upvote other peoples posts and you earn money according to how much Leo and Hive you bought and powered up. You get paid Hive, Leo and Hive Backed Dollars
  • Create content: You can earn cryptocurrency by writing long articles, short articles, posting videos, pictures, memes or other content. You get paid Hive, Leo and Hive Backed Dollars
  • INLEO just created a project they were working on for two years called Threads a tokenized short post platform of 240 characters or less. You get paid Hive, Leo and Hive Backed Dollars
  • Optimize your earning potential with the C.U.T.E. strategy explained below. You get paid Hive, Leo and Hive Backed Dollars

How to join

  • Join Free with this free referral link: JOIN4FREE

The Bloom Community and increasing your chances of success.


What is the Bloom Community and the Cute strategy?

  • The Bloom Community is a new community on Hive and INLEO whose members use the C.U.T.E. strategy to build their relationship network, earn money and be financially and socially successful on this new form of social media.
  • The C.U.T.E. Strategy stands for: Comment, Upvote, Tweet, Earn .
  • C. Comments earn upvotes, so they generate money. And build relationships, which help build your network of people who engage your posts and your comments with upvotes and comments.
    U. Upvotes earn 50% of the upvote value, you if you use your trn upvotes a day, you generate income everyday. .
    T. Tweet links Bloom Community Posts, follow members on X and Retweet their posts on Twitter to promote INLEO and Hive. This also helps recruit new members to INLEO and Hive.
    This is working with X as a partner, not a competitor. Cute encourages members to join and use X as a partner.
    E. Earn from your upvotes on posts, earn from your upvotes on comments, earn from others upvoting your posts and your comments. You earn Hive, Leo, and HBD. (Hive Backed Dollars).


Why did the Cute Community form and why is the C.U.T.E. strategy needed?

  • The INLEO is community has over 20,000 members and Hive more than 20 times that number.
  • When you first any social media platform, you will feel like no one knows you and no one will find and read your content.
  • You are right, because your blog is one of trillions of web addresses on the internet.
  • Finding you is like finding a piece of hay in an haystack.
    are alone, in a metaphorical sea of accounts.
  • You need to attract attention to your posts and give people a reason and a way to find you. Comments and Upvotes do both.
  • Comments and Upvotes are the quickest way to start building relationships on social media because every content producer wants people to enjoy their content. They are also a way to be successful financially and socially.
  • The C.U.T.E. strategy helps you start earning right away, and helps you build your network right away. The strategy focuses on comments on posts to build relationships, and upvotes on the posts of others, plus upvotes on comments to help you earn from your upvotes, so you quickly build reliable income. Then the more Hive/Leo you buy and power up, the larger your upvotes are and correspondents the larger your earnings are.
  • Lastly the Bloom Community is literally a group of like minded people focused on post and comment engagement.


Why do the INLEO Community and the CUTE Community work well together?

  • The INLEO Community is full of great content creators and many people encouraging engagement.
  • And the Bloom Community literally focuses on an engagement strategy or roadmap which has lead many to success in this form of social media where the reward for successful engagement isn’t likes, it’s money.
  • The Bloom Community is literally is a meeting place for people seeking engagement and success via Comments, Upvotes , greatly simplified Twitter Engagement and multiple streams of Earnings by following this roadmap, which is a win-win formula. We all win by following it
    . - I think the CUTE strategy combined with this community is a perfect match or pairing.
  • Come join us, it’s free to join and create an account.

  • Join INLEO & Hive Free with this free referral link: JOIN4FREE
  • Join the Bloom Community once you join at this LINK
  • Follow @shortsegments on Twitter at this Link

This is the way





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