Celebrating The Third Anniversary of Hive

Hi, This is Shiekh Nouman from Pakistan Today the Hivians are celebrating the 3rd Anniversary of our beloved Hive by powering up their Hive power. I am not much aware of the history because I joined the Hive platform seven months ago but whatever it was it is good to see the growth of Hive.

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Made In Canva:)

HIVE, who has given the opportunity thousands of content creators to polish their skills. Who has gathered people from different nations in one place. Hive who is spreading love and peace between people. Hive has given birth to decentralized communities. Hive has shown us the power of Decentralization. Hive has given the right of freedom to the people. Hive has given the space to the developers to develop their Dapp under its ecosystem.

Seven months ago when I joined Hive was a newbie in the field of cryptocurrency. I learned many things from the hive, I made many friends through the Hive. The first time when I played my first play2earn game was because of Hive. It helped me increase my confidence in writing content. It has opened many opportunities for me to learn, earn, and make new friends at the same time.

It is so much fun being a part of the Hive universe. I spent my free time reading and commenting on other people's posts. Curating good content and sharing $PIZZA with them. I had set some goals for my Hive journey and every day I am trying my best to achieve them. One of them is to gain as much Hive Power as I can which I am also gaining today by powering up my Hive.


Hive Power UPs



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I haven't power up much amount for today because I was a bit busy for the last two months due to my super busy schedule in my professional life. Which has given me lesser time to stay active on the hive, secondly I was not aware of Hive's anniversary day:) I found out about the Hive Anniversary date through the Hive B'day Initiative. Today I have powered up 10.598 hives and will do another power-up on HPUD on 1st April.


"Thank You Hive & Hivians For Being awesome"


My Social Media Links:

Discord: Shiekh Nouman#4412
Instagram: Nouman5816
Twitter: ShiekhNouman2
Youtube: Newbie's Hive

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