The Long-Term Benefit of Onboarding People to (and CubDefi)

Over the past few months I have been consistently onboarding friends and associates to the platform leofinance suite of products.

This was further amplified with the launch of CubDefi. The majority of these were by request, the universe is bringing them to me essentially.


Much Time, Much Effort...

Being nearly all these people I consider friends I have helped get them setup on LEO and then with Cub.

Now for anyone that has been in crypto, you know that onboarding someone that has no crypto experience directly into leofinance and then CubDefi really isn't the natural route of progression.

The majority of us here we're into crypto for a bit before leofinance and especially cub finance existed.

Even for the crypto veteran, you can still get a little confused starting out on these platforms.

Needless to say these onboards take some time and are usually one on one or one on a few at most.

The follow up questions last for weeks as well.

So you might wonder, if this is taking that much effort and time, why am I doing it?

The growth of the community is the dividend

That is the beauty of all this. I'm not being paid to spend several hours with each of these people. Atleast right now I am not, but that is where the beauty of leofinance is.

As I onboard people it leads to more people for me to curate. It also leads to more people that can vote my posts as well.

Now granted, I do not expect anyone I onboard to vote me, but odds are most of them will because my account in a way is their "genesis block." It is the first account they see when learning about how to function and operate on LEO since it is being used as the example when teaching about LEO.

Rising tide lifts all boats

Additionally, the more this community grows, the more demand that comes, the more investment that is made - the more growth for everyone. And that includes me!

Thus, each person I can onboard is one little piece in the grand scheme of this communities growth.

In the long run, all that time and effort will be compensated. Which is a beautiful thing because I can help out friends and associates and theoretically get compensated without it really costing them anything.

Now that sounds like a Win-Win. And those scenarios are awesome!

Here's to the growth of leofinance and all its offshoots!

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