A Brief Intro

Well this is me, I am not gonna talk about my boring life but just gonna get straight to the point. You got yourself a visitor for xmas and they ended up giving you something special like Hive

My Sister @fredaig came spending the festive season with the family, and she just can't stop talking about Hive

Who am I
My name is as shown on my username, Sarah, from Nigeria. Am more or less into the tech world but slacking on that cause life always gets a way of hitting hard.

It's amazing to know who you are and yet still finding who you are. Honestly to put it as simply and accurately as possible Am just a girl exploring new innovations.

Why am I here
Am here for one reason only. At that point in time I love the way she always scoops through her phone making sure she writes and contributes something on hive..

I caught her buried herself on the @dreemport discord channel playing a game called treasure hunt. And that was when I got interested to know more about what's keeping her so busy.

Am here just To be myself and have fun rendering service

Whats My goal On here

Everyone wants success, a second phase, a better life, a goal that can be fulfilled. I'm gonna focus on just one goal and that's Building up myself, becoming recognizable and giving back to hive.

My Feelings

My feelings are pure , my intention is natural, Hive is a natural phenomenon, and from my observations and study. When you treat it like a business it's gonna treat you like a businessGod and when you treat it like trash it's gonna treat you like a trash can.

Whichever way i think being a business God isn't such a bad idea, is it?

Thanks for being here.

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