Keychain Swap.jpg

I had a little more than 500 swap.hive lying dead since long and I even did not remember, which exchange I used since this was done way back, may be during the CUB campaign. Since then the Leo Finance UI has changed a lot and the only thing I remembered is that I used the Leo exchange. So I posted a thread in the Leo community and thanks to everyone who provided me some direction. This is the true power of community.


Initially I was advised to check Tribaldex, but it seems that does not have the offerings to trade or convert swap.hive.


Someone advised and reminded me that it was Leodex but then he also told, that transactions getting hung up in Leodex and instead use hive.engine. The conversations finally brought up the HIVE KEYCHAIN SWAP on the table and I remembered this post from @stoodkev that I had read back in September and upvoted even.


Following the posts from @keychain I found that SWAPS were made available in production in October, refer this post :


So it was time to test the swap functionality and I must tell you that, that was pretty smooth.

Keychain Swaps.jpg

You will have to add active account to keychain for this, so I added it. Usually I do not store the active account and add only when I need it. And then you see that lovely SWAPS icon at the bottom right. Click on that and it will take you to the SWAP screen.

Keychain Swap Amount.jpg

By default it populates HBD, so you have to type in the currency. And then choose the desired currency to which you want to convert. I wanted to convert to HBD, and went ahead with default options. There are some advanced parameters as well, which has something to do with the slippage to confirm that you get the best. The only thing that I did not understand from the description of that advanced parameter is that some swaps require several operations and your funds can be returned in a different token. Not sure what it means, but definitely I would rather prefer the swap be cancelled instead of giving me the funds in a different token, that I may not like. Click the Swap button and it takes you to the Confirmation screen.

Keychain Swap Confirmation.jpg

And confirm the swap, the funds are in your account pretty soon, almost in seconds.

Keychain Swap Account.jpg

So if you closely observe, the actual were a little more than the estimated ( 189.340 to 189.337), so seems the tough job they are doing for every broadcast behind the screen for that slippage got me this. For a bigger amount, this may be substantial.


So if you have still not used this swap functionality, then I would say try it, I am going to use this frequently now to convert my HBD to HIVE and vice-versa, as I plan to try some luck there.


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