Ultimate Hive SEO Guide - How to Search Engine Optimize Hive Articles

Ultimate Hive SEO guide

Is as a comprehensive set of rules, tips and techniques for search engine optimization (SEO) of Hive articles.

This in-depth guide will cover all the neccessary topics, tools and resources to help you write better, more optimized, readable, and enjoyable content that brings in the views. By following outlined principles and taking the time to write and structure your articles for better results, you will enjoy higher ranking on SERP's (search engine result page), increased traffic for your personal blog and an increased ranking and traffic for all Hive blogging interfaces your content is published on.

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Why it's important to optimize our articles

Although as content creators on Hive, our rewards don't neccessarily come from outside visitors per se, as direct payments come exclusively from Hive token holders upvotes , SEO pimping our articles will ultimately be the single largest payout we will ever receive. Sooner or later, our collective efforts in this field will pay out in dividends as organically ranked content is the most effective, free way, of gaining an ever-lasting, constant stream of new visitors.

By optimizing our content, every single one of our article is helping Hive rank a little bit better.

And while we may not directly receive an instant reward for the efforts we put in optimizing our articles in Hive currency, Hive ranking higher on SERP's is attracting new users and investors which increases its network-effect which in the long run has a substantial influence on the value of all Hive tokens in existence, and thus our Hive holdings.

So, instead of a few extra dollars per post, we could actually gain a couple of X's on every token we earned and held so far!

What we are trying to accomplish

Is to get both Hive.io and Hive.blog in the top two results on Google, and all other browsers, for as many keywords as possible.

Even though the aforementioned websites are ranked more fairly on other search engines, taking up spots 1-6 on the first page, Google has a different oppinion, placing them at the 2nd and 3rd page (when searching for "hive blockchain") which we know from personal and anecdotal experience, no one visits.

From a scientific perspective though, the results are even more disturbing.

In a recent study Sistrix analyzed 80 million keywords and billions of search results to get a better understanding of how users interact and engage with SERP's.

What they've found out is alarming, particularly in our case.


Average click-through rate (CTR) on the first page drops substantially with first three positions geting more than 50% of all clicks, while other 7 spots get a grand total of 32,8%.

  • 2nd page CTR was so small they didn't even include it in the study other than pointing out how miniscule it is compared to the first page
  • 3rd page CTR so low it wasn't given any mention

What Google's unfair rankings translate into

Is leaving Hive with only a dust amount of organic visitors.

A rather unjust play by Google and a very difficult position to be in as Hive's social media aspect strives on increased visitor inflows. This is obviously syphonyng immesurable value away as not even engaged subjects (users directly searching for "hive blockchain") can navigate through a sea of shit in order to find their search query.


We have the power to change this!

If done on a grand scale, modifying the way we write and style our content in order to publish more SEO-friendly articles, will eventually make Hive float to the top of SERP's of all browsers, even Google's Chrome. The algorythm can't overpower our our collective strength without revealing the obvious shadowban.

Reaching this goal will be a major leap towards mass adoption.

Just imagine the profound influence millions of new users joining the party would have on the socio-economic dynamic of this blockchain and what this would mean for the price of Hive as every single new user needs a few tokens in order to be able to interact with the blockchain

While this payout might not occur in a timely fashion, it will definitely be our largest one so far.

This will not be an easy task though.

Thankfully, as with all extremely difficult tasks, the payout is just as extreme.

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How to SEO optimize Hive articles

Now that we got that out of the way and you have a deeper understanding of why it's important to be thoughtful about SEO when writing articles let's get into the meat and potatoes. Straight-forward information, concepts, and principles on exactly how to write more SEO-friendly articles.

First, let's dissect this complex topic into more manageable sections.

Three pillars of SEO

  • content is the king
  • optimization is the queen
  • linking/sharing is the key to your kingdom

This is what it all boils down to.

While it may look simple at first glance, do not be deceived!

There is a lot of work that goes into creating well optimized articles.

Although it is quite time consuming, if applied skillfully, this knowledge leads to an extraordinary payout. Being the top result on any given topic is very powerful for the publisher and the platform it was published from.

Like a seed planted in the best possible location, with the highest quality soil and the most amount of sun, your article will bear fruit for years.

Let's expand on this

Content, optimization, linking/sharing are broad concepts.

To better understand them let's look into everything that goes into making the three pillars of SEO.

As of today, the below list is going to be just that, a simple list of things to take in consideration for writing better, more optimized articles. Each one of these topics will get a dedicated explanation in one of my future articles and will be linked to a coincinding section on the list.

In time, every topic will be linked to an entire article explaining it in great detail turning this ordinary list into the ultimate Hive SEO guide.


Created by vectorjuice - www.freepik.com

Things to consider when writing SEO friendly articles

#1 Content, contet, content

  • Be strategic about your content
  • Make good use of keywords
  • Write eye-catching headlines
  • Create evergreen, comprehensive, and useful content
  • Structure and style your content to make it more readable

#2 Headlines, headlines, headlines

  • Learn how to write great, attention-capturing headlines
  • KISS (keep it simple stupid) and get straight to the point
  • Optimize headlines

#3 Keywords, keywords, keywords, keywords - how, why, when?

  • Long-tail keywords
  • Keyword research
  • Keyword placement

#4 Meta description

#5 Linking - how, when, where, how often?

  • Internal linking
  • Generating backlinks
  • Sharing on other social media platforms

#6 Image optimization

#7 Pillar articles and content clusters

  • why and how to write pillar articles
  • best practices

By learning and adopting these principles

Your SEO skills are going to be on a whole nother level. While so far your content was most likely hidden in a sea of other, more browser-friendly articles, this is about to change as now you have at the tip of your fingertips, the power to rank higher than your competitors.

Will you use it though?

Is solely upon you.

The benefits are clear.

Created by vectorpouch - www.freepik.com


After the guide is finished, I'll look into ways of incentivizing users to SEO pimp their posts while writing valuable content explaining Hive in detail for every average Joe to undertand. Something we are in dire need of as new users can barely find any info about Hive let alone tutorials on the things that come with ease to us but are painstakingly difficult for newcomers. If there is little to no content explaining how to go around this blockchain, new users will quickly be turned off by the idea of joining because the learning curve is so steep and information out of reach.


We will change this by competing in writing comprehensive, SEO optimized, tutorials on all there is to Hive and ranking them high on top of SERP's across the interwebs, Google included.

We will cover everything from basic knowledge like account creation, buying, selling, interacting with the chain to more complex topics such as inflation, voting power, resource credits, etc.

In the end, I'll collect the best articles on each subject and present them in one all-inclusive Hive information station.

Imagine trying to figure out something about Hive and being able to find an in-depth article explaining how to do it in the first few results across all browsers.

FAQ on steroids with every question being answered by an entire article about it.

That's the goal.

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