Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! Five Alive Ruleset | Splinterlands

Hello everyone, I hope everything is going well in your life. Welcome to my Battle Mage Secrets post. In this post, I will talk about the Five Alive Ruleset. I hope it will be useful for you.

Five Alive Ruleset

In battles with the Five Alive Ruleset, a maximum of Five Monster cards can be used, meaning you can choose a summoner and up to 5 monster cards when creating your team for a battle. The Five Alive ruleset is a simple ruleset that is not complicated, but since you can only use 5 units in the battle, choosing the cards that will be most effective in the battle according to the other ruleset of the battle and the mana cap will give your team an advantage.

Although it is not difficult to team up in battles with low mana cap, it may be a little more difficult to team up in battles with high mana cap, especially 99 mana, but if your deck is rich, teamng up may not be that difficult. Although we have more freedom when choosing cards in battles with high mana cap, it would be beneficial for us to be more careful when determining our strategy since we can only use 5 units. But first of all, I recommend you to choose the cards that will be most effective in the battle according to the ruleset of the battle.

Let's examine the Five Alive Ruleset in a battle.


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Battle Ruleset

  • FiveAlive: Up to Five Units can be used.
  • Briar Patch: All Monsters have the Thorns ability.
  • Rise of the Commons: Only Common and Rare Monsters may be used in battles.

Thorns Ability : When hit with a Melee attack, does 2 Melee damage back to the attacker.


In this battle, according to the rulesets of the battle, all Monsters will have the Thorns Ability, only five units can be used, and only Common and Rare Monsters may be used. Before starting the battle, I would like to say that I reviewed the recent 5 battles of the opposing player and determined my strategy in this battle by taking into account the rulesets of the battle.

Since all Monsters will have Thorns Ability in this battle, it is not advantageous to use melee attack monsters, but the probability of winning this battle with only magic attack monsters and ranged attack monsters is very low, so I need a better strategy to win this battle.

First of all, since I thought that the front lines of the opposing team would be powerful monsters with high health, destroying them was very important to achieve victory. I will add Drybone Barbarian to my team as I believe that Drybone Barbarian with the Enrage Ability can fulfill this task well. So in this battle I needed to choose Life Summoner and since I will be using a gladiator card I will choose Franz Ruffmane as the Summoner. I will also add the Corsair Bosun with the Reflection Shield Ability to my team as it will not take damage from Thorns. And I will add the armor killer, War Pegasus, to my team. I will choose Captain Katie as the gladiator because it has the Snipe Ability.

The continuation of the strategy and my team's lineup is as follows;



Franz Ruffmane is a Life Summoner that allows the use of one additional Gladiator card in battle, and gives +1 armor to all friendly monsters. Since I will be using the Captain Katie gladiator card, I can say that I chose Franz Ruffmane as the summoner. In addition, having all monsters in my team have extra +1 armor would give my team an advantage against melee and ranged attack monsters.


Drybone Barbarian is a Life Monster that can attack the target with melee attacks and has Enrage Ability and Retaliate Ability from level 5. Although it is not very advantageous to use a melee monster that does not have the Reflection Shield Ability in such a battle, I can say that I added Drybone Barbarian to my team because it has the Enrage Ability. It was not possible for Drybone Barbarian to survive for very long in this battle, but I believed that Drybone Barbarian would help the team in destroying enemies with high health before dying. And I put Drybone Barbarian in the first position.

  • Enrage Ability : This unit has 50% bonus Melee attack and Speed when not at full health.
  • Retaliate Ability : When hit with a Melee attack, Units with Retaliate have a 50% chance of immediately attacking their attacker.


Corsair Bosun is a Life Monster that can attack the target with melee attacks and has Reflection Shield Ability and Reach Ability from level 1. Since the Corsair Bosun has the Reflection Shield Ability, it would not take damage from Blast, Magic Reflect, Thorns, or Return Fire, so I can say that I added it to my team. I also took into consideration the possibility that there are Monsters with Blast Ability on the opposing team, and since it has the Reflection Shield Ability, it would absorb the blast damage and protect my team's backline. Also, since it has the Reach Ability, I put it in second position because it can attack while in second position.

  • Reach Ability : Melee attack Units with the Reach ability may attack from the second position on the team.
  • Reflection Shield Ability : This Unit doesn't take damage from Blast, Magic Reflect, Thorns, or Return Fire.


Pelacor Conjurer is a Life Monster that has no attack power and has Flying Ability and Magic Reflect Ability from level 4. The most important reason why I added Pelacor Conjurer to my team is that it has the Magic Reflect Ability and costs only 2 mana. If the monster in the first two positions died, Pelacor Conjurer would take the first position, and thanks to the Magic Reflect Ability, it could assist the team in killing the magic attack monsters on the opposing team. And I put Pelacor Conjurer in third position.

  • Flying Ability : Has a 25% bonus chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Units who do not have the Flying ability.
  • Magic Reflect Ability : When hit with Magic damage, does half the Magic damage (rounded up) back to the attacker.

Position 4: WAR PEGASUS

War Pegasus is a Life Monster that can attack the target with ranged attacks and has Flying Ability and Shatter Ability from level 1. In addition to being able to attack targets powerfully, War Pegasus is also a complete armor killer thanks to the Shatter Ability, so I can say that I added it to my team. And I put War Pegasus in the fourth position.

  • Flying Ability : Has a 25% bonus chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Units who do not have the Flying ability.
  • Shatter Ability : Target's armor is destroyed when hit by an attack from Units with Shatter.


Captain Katie is a Life Gladiator that can attack the target with Magic Attacks and has Snipe Abiliy and Bloodlust Ability from level 1. Since Captain Katie is a Gladiator with the Snipe Ability, ithe can be very effective in some battles. Some opponents can ignore the possibility of an attack on the back line in such battles, and If the opposing team does not have a Monster with the Taunt Ability, Monsters with the Snipe Ability target the first monster with ranged, magic, or no attack that is not in the first position, without an attack, which can upset some opponents' plans. So I added Captain Katie to my team and put it in last position.

  • Snipe Abiliy : Targets the first enemy Unit with Ranged, Magic, or no attack that is not in the first position with Ranged or Magic attacks.
  • Bloodlust Ability : This Monster revels in the glory of combat and becomes more dangerous as the battle goes on. Every time it defeats an opponent, it gets +1 to all stats.


You can watch the entire battle from the video or from the Battle Link

Frankly, the opponent player's strategy was also quite good, but I was surprised that Sea Monster was in the last position, maybe the opponent player's had different plans for it. Maybe the opponent player's wanted to save it for the end of the battle.

Round 1

At the beginning of the first round, my strategy started to work quite well, and with the cooperation of Drybone Barbarian and War Pegasus, Gelatinous Cube, which had 11 health, was destroyed with only 2 hits. If it weren't for Drybone Barbarian's enraged attack, maybe it might have been very difficult to destroy the Gelatinous Cube. And in the first round, Corsair Bosun missed Prismatic Energy while Captain Katie hit Captain's Ghost. And in the first round, only Gelatinous Cube was destroyed.

Round 2

At the beginning of the second round, the great cooperation of Drybone Barbarian and War Pegasus gave a great result again, and Prismatic Energy, which had 10 health, was destroyed in just 2 hits. To be honest, I didn't expect such a great performance, they really did a great job. Even though Prismatic Energy destroyed Drybone Barbarian, Drybone Barbarian had fulfilled the task I gave it and almost the entire strategy of the opponent player was turned upside down. Additionally, Captain Katie hit Merdaali Guardian, while Corsair Bosun and Captain's Ghost hit each other. Also notable was that the Corsair Bosun took no damage from Thorns.

Round 3

At the beginning of the third round, War Pegasus destroyed Captain's Ghost, while Captain Katie destroyed Merdaali Guardian and Captain Katie received +1 to all its stats. And while the Corsair Bosun hit the Sea Monster, the Sea Monster missed the Corsair Bosun. At the end of the third round, only the Sea Monster remained on the opposing team, while 4 monsters on my team were still alive.

Round 4

In the fourth round, Sea Monster was unable to escape the attacks of Captain Katie, War Pegasus, and Corsair Bosun and was destroyed before it even had a chance to attack.

The battle lasted 4 rounds and at the end of the battle, while all the monsters on the opposing team were destroyed, 4 monsters on my team were still alive. My strategy worked really well in this battle and my team won this very tough battle quite easily. Especially the fact that I more or less guessed the opponent player's strategy and chose the monsters according to their abilities was very useful in this battle. I recommend you to watch this very interesting and challenging battle from Battle Link. I hope you will like it.


All Images Taken from Splintelands.

What are your thoughts on the battle and my strategy? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

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