Wrong decisions

If only the future were made known to us, if only there's a way to fully ascertain that somethings really won't work, now we just have to live by trying as we see fit, whether right or wrong the latter result would open it up to us. How I wish we could see the future then return back to present so we can know if the step we are about taking would yield positive or negative. Its now the norm to just believe blindly and try, then hope for a positive result.

Many have taken up research as a way to see the possibilities of their intended actions, this is very good judging from the fact that there's nothing new under the sun, the step you're about taking is probably something someone else has thought of and has written down his or her experience, if you can research well, you won't necessary be starting from a scratch, you'll be moving from a basis of experience. Having someone who has felt what you feel presently or quite similar and has jotted down his or her experience for readers benefits, is a kindness that goes beyond just looking for the money, its a true gift of knowledge to newer candidate to the experience.

A better option has been a one on one interaction to a person who is experienced in such field or even an expert more preferably, why this method is better than the previous above is cause from the previous which is reading and researching, you can only receiving what the writer has let out, but they can't possibly touch all aspect, definitely many questions should be running through your mind, but the writers are not readily available to respond, but on a one on one interaction, you can ask questions upon questions and get a response from the person, it helps you get deeper insight, and if lucky they could offer to guide you through each step, so as you begin, you're not beginning blindly or just with what you've research, you noe have the inspection from someone who has tried it out themselves.

Yet, the both aforementioned might not be available to us depending on the nature of what we are doing, so we might just be starting afresh, especially with the level of new mind blowing inventions going around recently, never before done or envisioned, such cases might not have an expert to relate to, or even cases of secrecy where you don't want people to know, so you take actions yourself, in such cases we just try as we see fit and hope its good. This is the case more rampant, that's why there are many wrong decision around the world today.

Let's learn to seek wisdom from the old, either from the person or from a research, let's learn not to lean on our own understanding alone, there's a reason why people walked the world before us, as there's s reason we are walking the world before many others, we gain much experience first, we they come we should very much be able to direct them aright.

Also as humans, we should learn to write down our experience, not just for us alone, but for the many others who would likely experience what you've experienced, and likely get stuck, you have rendered help before hand, its a thing to look into. Let's help each other not start off blindly, thereby making wrong decisions, but let's help ourselves start up from experience, it's by writhing down your own experience. You never know someone else write up might not be beneficial to you but you never know what your kids would be faced with. Let the word go round.

Wrong decisions are somewhat inevitable, but we can do our little good, and guide someone's actions even without knowing or meeting them. Someone needs your experience. Learn to pass it across.

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