Time: One thing we all need but cannot control.

Time waits for no one, Time isn't taking sides, it is neutral, it is in favour of the early and a tutor to the late. Its interesting because we can't get annoyed with Time, rather we look for ways to make it work for use better next time. Time is older than everyone today, it is as old as creation itself.

Time has become a judgment for Life's improvement, Time is listed among the most important aspect of a human life, there are time for everything, a time to life and a time to die, a time to smile and a time to frown, a time to be merry and a time to be sober, a Time to get angry and a time to forgive, and we spend most of our time learning how to maneuver time and make the best out of it. People around the world are currently in rush, just so they can meet up with set time duration they've set for themselves. Time is very essential, we cannot do without it.

Time waits for no one tick tock goes the clock, round and round it goes not minding who's hoping or praying that it slows down. It then is our priority to set a standard to love with, we want to get to a particular height at a particular time, then we must move fast as we battle with our own conscience and determination. Time awaits no man, its on us to get up and work, anytime is the time, its a matter of are we ready to push through.

Comfort is one of the known killers of aspirations. We should look to the future eagerly while planning to make it as the dream we hope for. Often time I have heard people say "take your time, don't use people life as a standard to yours. That statement shouldn't be misquoted to being lazy or idle, it simply means while you are trying but not yet getting your desired result, rather than getting frustrated especially when the people around you are getting it right, still don't give up, keep pushing rightly and hard, consistency is a road to success.

Your flight are your dreams, your flight are future, the things you hope to become are very much your flight. Then someone may ask, if all this aforementioned are my flight, can I miss them? Oh yes you can, remember that the wealthiest place in the world isn't in the home of bill gates, nor the home of Jeff bezos but rather it's situated in the grave, there are many people who has died without fulfilling the purpose for their existence, so many authors have died without writing a single book to their name, many songs we can't hear no longer because the singers are no more, so many inventions we can only pray someone else would get the inspiration and effect because the people who were destined to it are dead. So yes they missed their flight.

Death is going to happen to everyone at a point in time, so rather than fight the inevitable, we should just do the needed and catch up with our flight. Do that thing we are longing for, take that bold step, if no one chastises you believe me your conscience would, and your conscience does a good job at it. There's really no point in being shy, as people really don't matter, it's your life and you would have to live with whatever decision you make today. Life your desired life.

It could also apply to the aspect of relationship, why not ask her out, why not tell him how you feel, life renders option to everyone, if you don't act while you're still an option, he or she might just get comfortable with another option. As many a times still feel good with the new option and when you finally courage up, he or she is seeing no reason to come with you. So make hay while the sun shines. Your flight is the life you've been dreaming of guys, try to work it out in our constant battle against time. Catch your Flight. Get moving, get pushing for greatness.2910057_S.jpg

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