DeFi Pulse Index - ETH DeFi Diversification Product

Following a conversation with @niallon11, I was inspired to write up a little post introducing this index that not too many people actually know about called the DeFi Pulse Index.

What Is It?:

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The DeFi Pulse Index, or DPI, is a market-cap weighted index of the popular DeFi tokens on the Ethereum network. It was created on a website called that allows users to build weighted indexes of tokens to bundle and trade on DEX's.

There are a few types of criteria that are necessary for tokens to be included in the DPI that boil down to evaluating the tokenomics of the token itself and the promise of the protocol that backs it.

It is currently trading for over $500 on DEX's like Uniswap and the weight of the tokens is adjusted regularly to provide optimal exposure.

As of right now those tokens (and weights) are:

  • Uniswap (~3.66 tokens)
  • Aave (~.22 token)
  • Maker (~.016 token)
  • Compound (~.079 token)
  • Synthetix (~2.6 tokens)
  • Sushi (~2.45 tokens)
  • Ren (~15.49 tokens)
  • Kyber (~3.48 tokens)
  • Loopring (~21.26 tokens)
  • Balancer (~.19 token)
  • Harvest (~.0073 token)
  • Cream (~.0098 token)
  • Meta (~.371 token)

You can check the live statistics of what is in the DPI and what the exact weighting is in the token bundle here:

Why Buy DPI? (NFA):

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I like the concept of DPI because it allows you to be involved with many different platforms at the same time for one upfront price. Rather than going and buying small amounts and paying the fees numerous times on numerous sites, tokensets has created this bundle for us to get a bit of everything for one fee.

It is convenient and well diversified IMO and though you can use the website to build your own version of the DPI, I really like the balance that this set has.

The Downside:


The downside is that you are lowering the amount of individual tokens you are purchasing. If you really believe in a project you should likely do your own research to see how much of the token you would like to accumulate as the amounts on the DPI are relatively small because there are so many tokens invovled.

Also the DPI is run by a centralized group that has the authority to change the token weights. Though they publicize everything they do, the people who run DPI at the end of the day are the ones who are deciding what is and what is not important to be invested in. However, this is no different than investing in an ETF or a hedgefund, it is a common practice that has historically shown to be profitable in the right circumstances.

Thinking Ahead:

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It is my prediction that a tool like this will come out for the Binance Smart Chain as well (if it does not yet exist). I think that I enjoy the idea of hedging my investment to have all of the top picks included and watch the value grow as the overall market improves, there is not a need to pick a favorite it is a positive sum game personified.

Do your own research, but give some merit to the idea of diversification in this blossoming market.

Disclaimer: I am actually not yet invested in DPI though I plan to be at the earliest chance I get!

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@mariosfame gif once again, I love it

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My name is Rob and I am a college student doing my best to get involved in the crypto world. I have enjoyed blogging thus far and thank you for reading my article! Give me a follow and let’s build the community together through consistent engagement.

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