"Terminator 2: Judgment Day" 1991 Movie Review

Source of above image: "Terminator 3" by twm1340 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. https://www.flickr.com/photos/89093669@N00/2144882415

Here are some memorable quotes from the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day:

"Hasta la vista, baby." - The Terminator (T-800)

"Come with me if you want to live." - The Terminator (T-800)

"The future is not set. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves." - Sarah Connor

"I know now why you cry, but it's something I can never do." - The Terminator (T-800)

"It's in your nature to destroy yourselves." - The Terminator (T-800)

"There is no fate but what we make." - John Connor

"Are you afraid? That's okay. I would be too if I were human." - The Terminator (T-800)

"I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle." - The Terminator (T-800)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day is the sequel to Terminator 1 and stars a T-800 terminator played by Arnold Schwarzenneger who is sent back in present time from the future to protect John Connor who is the human resistance leader in the future vs Terminators.

The Terminators in the future also send a T-1000 Terminator to the present time line who is played brilliantly by Robert Patrick who these days plays roles in B-movies and various tv shows. John Connor is a teenage kid whose mother Sarah Connor has been sent by the U. S government to a psychiatric facility who tells people about Armageddon coming with Terminators trying to destroy man kind played by Linda Hamilton.

The plot and story of this movie is pretty simple yet it has not aged till this date as we see regular discussions about Artificial Intelligence taking the form of sentience all the time since the rise of LLM chat bot agents are on the rise.
Terminator 2 delivers brilliantly on this concept of Skynet taking control of it's self and shaping it self into sentience which gives birth to robots who wants to police the world and want to bring a new world to life by destroying the whole of humanity in the process.
The terminator sent from the future which is T-1000 is made of liquid metal and has shape shifting abilities and brings mayhem in his non stop pursuit of killing John Connor who is protected by the T-800 terminator at all times.

We see John Connor and Arnold run away from the menacing monster terminator all throughout the movie and later they are joined by Sarah Connor as well.
The problem with the T-1000 terminator is that no bullets or even explosions cannot stop his attacks because of his regenerating ability and this T-1000 regenerates faster than even Wolverine which is a huge problem for John Connor and Arnold who are left with no choice but to keep running as far away as possibly can.

We even see hand to hand combat between the T-800 and T-1000 multiple times but each time the poor T-800 has to run away in the end because nothing can stop this T-1000 as he is just too powerful to combat with.

The fight scenes, explosions, dialogue, action scenes and acting are all spot on but what steals the show is the chemistry between the teenage John Connor and Arnold's Terminator as it is very entertaining to watch and you truly will have a great time enjoying it. The movie gives us epic one liners from Arnold's T-800 terminator and has not aged till this day even though this movie was released in 1991.

The concept of Artificial Intelligence taking sentience form is a hot topic in the Artificial Intelligence community and they always refer to this Terminator 2: Judgment day movies as to what if machine learning becomes so advance that it can make their own decisions and develop a mind/consciousness of their own this makes this movie a real life threat to humanity which might face a similar issue in the upcoming future. iRobot also explored this very same analogy but still people refer to this movie for looking for predictions of the future which might be very dark for humanity. I will give this movie a 10/10 and am right now watching Terminator Zero which is a Japanese mange release from Netflix on the 29th of August 2024.

This article was originally published on Imdb

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