Should I hold more HBDs...?

I've been quietly stacking stable coins for a while now but have limited my HBD holdings because I've already got a fairly decent Hive stake and like to spread my assets over several different chains, but I'm now wondering whether I should maybe start stacking a few more HBDs...

One thing that's swaying me is the fact that the HBD price has been relatively stable for the past few months, even though it seems to floating around at just under the $1 mark, that's not a problem if I DCA in or deliberately time to buy at low points every few weeks or so.

Screenshot 2022-03-11 at 18.37.24.png

I also like the simplicity of it - HBD is one ONE CHAIN (Hive) that I know and it's related to, well, the Hive currency, and every since the DAO and the HBD stabliser, the price seems to be nice and stable.

And there is also the possibility of debt ratio increasing to over 10% which is where it's at ATM.

And then there's the 12% interest, which is competitive.

The only thing putting me off is just the sheer amount of liquid Hive kicking about on exchanges, I'm not sure the stability mechanisms in place could cope with a 300 million dump of Hive?

But for now, I'm happy to gently stack a little more, and I certainly wouldn't be the only one doing so....


12% for a simple reasonably stable coin on a Chain I know well and trust, that's NICE!

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