Reflections on Hive-Engine!

We've had a good run on Hive-Engine, it's been a relatively easy place for all sorts of projects to mint their tokens and so help develop their projects.

I've certainly enjoyed dabbling in a few tokens over the years and have done OK out it, more than OK in fact, especially if you factor in how small-fry Hive-Engine is: it's the kind of place you might invest $100, probably not the kind of place you'd invest $1000, at least not in one go!

Two overwhelming layer 2 success stories on Hive/ HE....

The two projects that really stand out are LEO and Splinterlands, but I think these stand out as they have evolved beyond Hive-Engine.

Leo in terms of creating its wrapped tokens on BSC/ ETH/ Polygon and now ARB, quite an impressive list, and hey they tried with the Cubs and they failed, but that's all part of evolution.

And Splinterlands obviously with its whole pack/ card and land infrastructure, obviously so much more than just tokens on HE.

However in both cases Hive-Engine remains a very convenient place for us regular Hivers to trade in and out of LEO and the various SL assets.

Other evolvers...

There are more examples of HE projects that have gone beyond mere tokens... Rising Star, DCrops, Woo, Weed.

I think ZING will end up doing well in the long run too, clearly ZING the HE token is just a launch thing, the game is already looking to expand well beyond HIVE!

Tag tokens pointless...?

I'm not so convinced about the various 'tag tokens' we have - where you can earn them just by staking and tagging and that's it/

What actually prompted this post was the recent announcement that CentG is being trashed. This is/ was the governance token for CENT, and I do like that CENT pool with Hive but I'm left wondering - what is there to actually govern...? CENT just seems like just a token, not a lot too it: buy it, stake it, pool it, earn from it, hope other people buy more so you can profit from it.

Same can be said for ONEUP which I did very nicely out of early on, but since has just declined in price because basically there is not a lot to it!

PORN used to be like this, I bought a lot of it for the lolz, didn't spend that much on it, but now it's gone to nothing, DPORN doesn't exist anymore, I think the same will be being said for MANY tag tokens...

Remember SPT, SPORTS, STEM... It could be a fun activity to trace back to some posts where various people were bigging these up back in the day but then people just got bored of them!

Of course LEO started off just as a tag token, but it's evolved into so much more than this, especially now LEODEX is back as a swap-system that connects us to other chains, now that is EVOLUTION.

Savers and SUB tokens are interesting....

There are some tokens, for example SPI where you get a share of an investment package, and there's a whole suite of them, I like this idea, HE is a good method for this, IF you trust the issuer.

And the @stickupboys recent SUB token is nice, where you own some future royalties in one of their albums.


@gerber's BEESWAP token, you earn it for providing liquidity for HIVE-HIVE.SWAP, staking it and for the BXT-SWAP.HIVE pool.

I guess if you believe in HE it's worth a Vest, it's a smooth service! The price has done OK over the months too...

Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 12.43.37.png

But this is, if you like, the very opposite of a project evolving beyond HE, it is PURE HE!

Hive-Engine final thoughts...

I think the thing about HE is to look for projects that seek to evolve beyond just minting tokens that you stake and get a return on.

There has to be an other beyond-HE use case!

It's a nice place for small projects which are based on trust to evolve and develop, but I'm not sure I'd be happy Vesting more than £100 in any one particular project on HE, I've just seen too many projects disappear and go to 0!

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