A Beery Good Use Case for HBDs...

I had a great time last Saturday night at #beersaturday along with many other Hivers attending the most excellent HiveFest 2022 event in Amsterdam.


However one drawback @detlev maybe hadn't considered was the slight problem of how 20 odd people ordering in a group were going to pay for their various beers...

I have no idea what other people did to chip-in but I never saw cash changing hands or the card reader being passed around and I think @detlev ended up shouldering most of the tab himself....

But thankfully on Hive we have good old HBD and I was simply able to tx him 20 to chip in towards the couple of pints I had at pub one!

By pub two we were paying individually up front which I think worked much better when there is such a large group!

I have this feeling beers are something I will be writing more about going forward!

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