Splinterlands Tower Defense Alpha Pack WINNER

About a week ago I put on offer a giveaway for a Splinterlands Tower Defense Alpha pack and its now time to announce the winner. To visit the original giveaway post click the highlighted link: Free Splinterlands Alpha Pack (Tower Defense). Just in case someone is stumbling upon this post that hasn't heard about this new upcoming game yet I would like to first give a brief explanation of what SPLTW is.

What Is SPLTW?

Splinterlands Tower Defense (SPLTW for short) is a new upcoming game that is being created by the team behind Splinterlands. The game will utilize the current Splinterland cards (NFT's) and also have their own new cards (NFTs) in which can be used in game. The game isn't playable yet but if you want to get ahead of the game (so to speak) you can purchase the Tower Defense games Alpha packs within the Splinterlands Market-Place. They are $8 each or $5 each if you use a Voucher.

What Are Vouchers?

Vouchers are an important part of the Splinterlands ecosystem. They currently (10/21/2022) get airdrop to those who stake SPS (Splintershards) and/or who have Splinterland Node Licenses. The more SPS one has staked the more Vouchers they get airdropped. The same is true for Node Licenses. The more SPL Node Licenses one holds the higher the Voucher Drop they receive. Vouchers can also be purchased on many if not all of the HIVE DEX's including but not limited to LeoDex, TribalDex, BeeSwap and HIVE-Engine.

Vouchers Current Market



How Winners Were Choosen

The giveaway was a hot topic and we had plenty of entries so as consolation prizes I will also be giving out a total of 1000 DEC to two random Splinterland Maniacs (500 DEC Each) that participated in the giveaway. A winner was chosen in the way of using a random number generator. The timing of your comments in the original giveaway post equaled your raffle ticket number(s).

@blitzzzz⭐️Tower Defense Alpha Pack⭐️
@dagger212⭐️500 DEC⭐️
@captainquack22⭐️500 DEC⭐️

Some weeks back I also offered some Splinterland cards up in a giveaway. A booster pack full of cards to be exact. I will also announce the winners to that giveaway below. To visit the five card giveaway's original post click the following link: Purchasing + Opening + Giving Away Splinterlands Booster Pack Contents. Please note that all prizes will be sent within the upcoming 48 hours.

@libertycrypto27⭐️GOBLIN PSYCHIC⭐️
@bobaphet⭐️VENARI KNIFER⭐️

What is Splinterlands

Splinterlands is a blockchain game built on the Hive Network. The game itself utilizes NFT's for game play. These NFT's can be won in battle and/or purchased from the official Splinterlands marketplace or many other secondary markets. Game play rewards players with cryptocurrency and in game assets. Click here to get started with Splinterlands.

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