Splinterlands: Community Content Highlighted

Rebellion pre-sale is in full Swing and the Splinterlands community has been buzzing about it. I spent the day reading over community driven posts that relate to Rebellion and decided it a good idea to highlight some of those posts here on my blog. I'll keep the highlight to a simple format. I'll place a title for each post and leave a quote from the highlighted post under the title. To visit the post in full all one needs to do is click the highlighted title above each description. Posts listed are not in any type of order, they are posts I came across that interested me in one form or another. I thought they might interest you as well so here we are. The links below will lead you to the following front-ends: Peakd, Inleo and Ecency.

Pre-sale & Thoughts on modern changes

The Rebellion pre-sale is halfway complete but the pace of packs being sold has slowed down quite a bit. I have already made my purchase and I have 105 packs right now. Other than that, I am still wondering what I should do with my Untamed assets because I expect their value to plummet after Rebellion gets released. With that, it will take some time to get used to the new cards and I will also have to consider leveling up some of those cards as well.

Preparing For The New Splinterlands Airdrop System

Today my research of the upcoming Rebellion edition continues and this time I'm going to take a look at the revamped airdrop system. As you might remember, during the previous card pack edition eras, the chances of getting cards from the drop were simply tied to the number of packs purchased from the in-game shop.

Starting in December, Splinterlands will launch a new, more gamified version of the airdrop system named Conflicts. To take part in these conflicts, players need to stake their unopened Rebellion packs and cards into Battle Wagons which will carry 5 cards and up to 100 packs.

Rebellion is coming! Are you ready?

Are you ready for the arrival of the new Splinterlands collection, Rebellion? A lot of things will change when Rebellion arrives, one of them is that Untamed will no longer be part of the collections that are part of Modern. Furthermore, cards that are cheap today may increase in price, especially the remaining collection, Chaos Legion and Rift Watchers.

Why Rebellion will keep its value

Probably the most interesting aspect why Rebellion could keep its value more than Chaos Legion is the way the sale is organized. There will be 9.5 million packs put for sale. This is quite a lot of packs if you would ask me, but already 5.5 million less than initially planned for the Chaos Legion set. So just this is already a step in the good direction.

Rebellion Investment strategy

In the ever-evolving landscape of Splinterlands, adaptability is the name of the game. With recent changes sweeping through the Splinterlands universe, every player must stay ahead of the curve and find new avenues for success.

I've hopped aboard the Hawks21's bulk buy with an impressive 250 packs (I had promised myself I would not go in, but it's time for every one of us to help the project). The beauty of this moment lies in the fact that scarcity is about to become a tangible asset in the game referred to as Rebellion, and I'm gearing up to make the most of it.

Rebellion amazing card qualities

One aspect of Rebellion that I want to focus more attention on today is the incredible skill of the designers and the restyling of the cards, evolving in quality and perfection over time. In addition to playability, an essential element for achieving success, I am a lover of drawings: a successful game means little to me if I don't like the characters aesthetically.

A card game, even more so, must also impress users with the aesthetic quality of the designs, colors, details and styling. The team has shown particular attention over these years, each edition has demonstrated a leap in quality from this point of view and I am more and more impressed by the latest edition "Rebellion*.

Splinterland's: Rebellion will have a long-lasting impact on Splinterland's Tokenomics

As of the current presale pack stats, 293647 packs are sold in presale, and if I consider everyone is smart enough to pay 4000 DEC + Vouchers (instead of 5000 DEC), DAO accumulated 587 million DEC and considering DEC goes to 50 cents per 1000 DEC, DAO still made more what it paid to team and at this juncture when I see DEC market despite of slow pack sale after initial days, DEC is still trading above 90 cents.

Considering the pack presale at end to pick up the pace at a later stage, DAO is going to accumulate a nice amount of DEC and I am hoping once gameplay is launched, Rebellion general sale will also sell a nice number of packs. If the Rebellion pack sale is combined with the Land Release and Land DEC burning mechanism, we are going to DEC overshoot the peg and in return, it will trigger SPS burning mechanism creating more value for the SPS.

Rebellion presale status + latest release updates

Splinterlands is slowly and steady moving along with the Rebellion presale and what seems a blink of an eye, we find ourselves in the 15th day out of 30 days in which the event is running. The event will be running as long as the set period is reached (30 days) or the packs sell out, whichever comes first. While the presale had high velocity in the first days from when it started, it seems that for now it runs quite slowly. Nevertheless I expect that when we will be in the last days of the event, we should see another push as those moments will determine the Leaderboard and the winners for the prizes, based on ranking. As of now, the Rebellion sold 263,349 packs out of 500,000 which were set for this phase. If I was to make a prediction based on the current evolution of the event, is that we should see 300,000 packs sold easily.

Underboss Fabino: Splinterlands Drawing

Unfortunately I haven't played for a while so my content for this contest is what I know most about, drawing, maybe one day I'll do a Cosplay, while that happens. I must thank a friend who was very kind to me and shared some of the new designs with me so I will be able to participate this week in the contest, so good thanks to him, today this publication will see the light and several more.

Pre-Sale is the good time to Buy

There is a difference between the presale and general sale. Presale is for a limited time with a limited number of packs and the project provides some benefits for people who take part. This is started because the project needs more funding and this is how they will be able to generate some which will help them develop things further. General sales will be kicking off from December month onwards as per the shared update. There will not be any additional benefit except the bonus pack which is a regular practice or you can say the regular benefit for the bulk buyers.

If any of the posts above interest you consider leaving the original content creator a vote or comment (I'm sure they would appreciate it). To read more Splinterlands content I would suggest you visit the tags: #splinterlands, #spt, #rebellion and #play2earn. Are you highlighted above and would like your content removed from this post? Simply leave a post in the comment section saying so and I'l do just that. Are you a HIVEN or Splinterland Maniac with some content to share yourself? Great, feel free to leave a link to your Splinterlands content below. Don't forget to leave a small description or quote from your post as to help it catch the eye of the passer-by. Who knows you just might find yourself a new reader.

What is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a play2earn game built on the Hive Network. The game itself utilizes NFT's for game play. These NFT's can be won in battle and/or purchased from the official Splinterlands marketplace or many other secondary markets. Game play rewards players with cryptocurrency and in game assets.

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