Splinterlands - Rebellion presale status after 15/30 days and latest release updates

Splinterlands is slowly and steady moving along with the Rebellion presale and what seems a blink of an eye, we find ourselves in the 15th day out of 30 days in which the event is running. The event will be running as long as the set period is reached (30 days) or the packs sell out, whichever comes first. While the presale had high velocity in the first days from when it started, it seems that for now it runs quite slowly. Nevertheless I expect that when we will be in the last days of the event, we should see another push as those moments will determine the Leaderboard and the winners for the prizes, based on ranking. As of now, the Rebellion sold 263,349 packs out of 500,000 which were set for this phase. If I was to make a prediction based on the current evolution of the event, is that we should see 300,000 packs sold easily.


Rebellion presale

Rebellion presale brings some perks for the participants and some of those are the Exclusive NFT cards. Rebellion is a 96-card set and during the Pre-Sale event, players have an opportunity to gain access to some special rewards. Each pack purchased during the Pre-Sale phase will reward the player with a chance to receive two exclusive Rebellion promo cards that will NOT be available in regular packs. There will be 1% chance for getting the Mantaroth Neutral Legendary card and 10% change for getting the Grimbardun Smith Neutral Rare card. This means that for each 10 packs bought you will be getting a Grimbardun Smith Neutral Rare card with a 4% chance of being a Gold Foil and for each 100 packs bought you will be getting a Mantaroth Neutral Legendary card with a 4% chance of being a Gold Foil. And this are just the exclusive cards, without considering the promo cards that one will be receiving from the monthly airdrops. These are some pretty sweet mechanics put in place and hopefully will not dilute the cards market too much.


General Updates

The latest release update from 31st of October 2023, brought us some general updates and one of them in the form that "Removed the burned amount from the Total Supply of DEC on the DEC management page & updated the tooltip." It seems that lately there are different updates on the Splinterlands tokenomics and I still hope that someday we'll have a Dashboard with all of them aggregating information from everywhere those assets are spread.

Hot Fixes

Beside the above tokenomics update, there were also some hot fixes added along the way and even before the official release. That was in order to ensure that game was played in normal parameters.

  • Fixed an issue with the WAX bridge that could lead to it incorrectly partially transferring items when it was intended that it should fully reject a transfer in.
  • Fixed an issue where titles that were listed for sale could be set as active.

These are all the updates, with nothing revolutionary, but rather steady progress on the Rebellion presale and stability fixes. For sure Rebellion sized the spotlight in Splinterlands and the focus is on finishing the pre-sale event. But as that goes on, the team works on Land 1.5 which in a 4.5/5 confidence factor should see the day of light during this month - November 2023. That should bring new mechanics that could benefit the tokenomics from here and I think we are all waiting for that. But until that happens it remains for just one thing to do: fight the good fight in the Splinterlands!

Will you rise with the Rebellion?

If not, you still have a chance on it, come and join Splinterlands!

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