Splinterlands, Current Tide

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It is quite certain that Splinterlands is not going to receive the funding from HIVE DHF. As the gap of votes between Splinterlands DHF proposal and return proposal have gone significantly higher than it was couple of days ago. Which is why, we might see some possible outcome which was said by Splinterlands might happen sooner than later. As the prime issue here is funding, which is required in order to run the operations of the project. I really hope it does not come to any haste decision which would hurt the overall community is any possible way.

At present there are couple of aspects which are going within the game. There are two proposals active in Splinterlands. One is quite important and that will probably help boost HP of the Splinterlands account and help in several factor. Although, time is ticking for Splinterlands in so many different aspects.

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Although, this is a very crucial time for Splinterlands, I suppose a lot will happen if the team can survive through this phase. If only the team can get to introduce the SPS chain, it will significantly improve the current scenario for the team and the overall gameplay. It was such a shame that the current scenario could have been avoided if this so called SPS chain was given much consideration in the past. If it was a running product things would have been a lot different.

As this is definitely not the end of the line. There will always be options and one thing will lead to another. Let's just say, hypothetically if Splinterlands introduces another set of cards, lets say 200K packs which would cost $3 each, voila the team would have $600k in their pockets to play with. Every single card would be purhased with DEC and DEC only. No other alternatives nothing. And for the love of GOD no introduction of new tokens and nothing! This new sale could be done in a new chain ;) and do some developing regarding an integration between these two chains. Well, I hope the team does comes up with something significant which will help the game thrive like it did in the past.

We should not stop!

So like I said this is not really the end! There is still hope and there will arrive some sort of help along the way or the team will find a way to make it work for themselves. Now coming to talk about that, I have been claiming my land grains and my everyday SPS from staking. Just today, I claimed my grains. Although they are close to nothing but yet I do not want to miss them just in case.


At present this grain are worthless and as time will go I am not sure what is going to happen. Supply will keep on increasing and so demand of grains will keep on depleting. I am not sure how this situation will be handled but these situations needs to be handles before they go out of hand. Although, there are so many aspects which needs to be taken care of by the team, this situation is probably going to be handles later!

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Nevertheless, I really hope this game gets to overcome the tough time which is happening. And we get to enjoy playing this game and also these lessons were probably enough for the team to make the right decisions at the right time. Like it is said, we get to learn from our mistakes.

Best regards

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