Brand New or Refurbished?

Hello and Namaste Everyone,

mobile phone is a part of life and many of us can't even imagine a life without it. This is a need and not a luxury anymore because this helps us to stay connected with our near and dear ones. Now we have high-end devices that are capable of doing much more than just an average phone.

My phone is almost 5 years old and this has also been repaired so it sometimes creates problems while using it. This is a good phone but it's still everything has got its life and I think now this phone is coming to its dead end in sometimes that can be few months. I don't think it is going to stay with me for more than a year because sometimes it hangs and even the fingerprint is not so smooth now. It's an Android phone with dual sim functionality so I can use 2 sims at the same time.
I have not decided about the new phone or which one I am going to buy. I even have not decided that I will be buying it now or maybe till the time this phone works well. I am thinking of buying a new one but probably not this year and could be in the next year but if this phone stops working then I will have to buy one.

I keep on checking new phones in my widget that are around 20-25K INR max and I want to tell you that I am not an Apple fan. The reason why I don't like it is that I do not get a dual sim option and with E-sim also it is available but the phones are very costly and out of my reach. I was checking the Amazon website and got to know that some phones are available at slightly less price but these are refurbished devices. These are not brand new but in most cases, these are opened boxes that are written by the customers for some reason. The price is usually ten to fifteen percent less as compared to the new phone.



here is how this process works any phone has gone through a proper checking process by professionals before listing in the market. This is also tagged as renewed and they offer a month warranty on the phone so if something goes wrong then we have the option to get it fixed for free. brand new phones are sold with a year warranty and with renewal we are getting a six-month warranty but this six months is from the seller's side and not from the manufacturer. I don't know how it works because I never experienced it but if the seller is providing good service then I don't think there should be any problem.

I am considering this option but have not decided if I will be going with this. I thought of checking about it with my friends if any of them have ever tried to buy any device this way. I don't know if they have any experience with it or not but if they do and it is good then I can think about it. I believe that we should all follow something that can help us save some money because a phone is just a phone and if I can get a good phone at a lesser price that does a good job then I'm not concerned about the brand new Oregon slightly used.



This is one of the phones from the Samsung brand which I liked because its configuration is good including the RAM size and internal storage. Samsung is a well-known brand that manufactures nice phones with colorful screens and good cameras. This is just an example that I'm sharing here but maybe the one I buy after a few months will be a different device yes I am going through the search between new and refurbished. I'll be sharing further updates about it when I purchase the device or make up my decision to buy a phone for me.

Thank you so much
Stay Safe

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