Bought Summoners from Riftwatchers Edition to make Gaming better

I have discussed in my recent post that I will be canceling the rental and it's time for me to go into battle mode. I did it finally and now I have started playing battles. Many things are changed in the game from a play point of view. When my account was on the rental that time I had over 100K collection power but now since I am back in the battle so I will be upgrading my cards. I think it is needed because now I will continue to do these so that my gaming experience gets better and even I can earn better rewards in the game.


I have started doing it already and today is the first day since I purchase a bunch of cards from the latest edition. This is called riftwatchers I had no cards from this addition in my account but now that is not the case. I have purchased four summoners from this edition and I will continue to do the same. We need to understand that if we have better cards in the game then we are going to earn better rewards and even it increases the winning ratio which is much needed in the game. Better cards mean a better gaming experience and that is something I want to achieve in the game. I can play in the gold 3 League as I have 100k collection power. I plan to double my collection power this year so that I can start playing in gold one or even I can try for diamond later on. I know that I can do it provided I am not investing in other stuff in the game how it seems difficult.

I use the monster market portal to buy the cards because I get cashback in form of a DEC token. I have been using this platform since the beginning and till now I have got a cashback of almost 50000 Dec in total. This is a big amount indeed and it always feels great when you get something out of the purchase as cashback. It's like shopping that I am doing and along with some discount I am getting cash back too.



First I will be focused on some high-value cards because I think as of now the prices are on the lower side. You never know if the price starts increasing so before that happens I want to grab this opportunity. Most of my summoners are from Chaos legion and that too on level 6. I plan to follow the same with the latest addition as well where my goal is to make the most of these cards in level 6. Once I upgrade my summoners then I will think about monsters. I had some credits in my account that I utilise for this purchase but later on I will be buying more credits and then it will be time for me to make a list of cards that I will be upgrading.

For now, I will pause sps investment because doing both at the same time is difficult for me. So, for now, I am focused on the card upgrade and once that is done then again I will think about buying more assets in the game that might include tokens and some other things. There are multiple things that we can buy and own in the game but with limited resources, a user like me can't buy all of them in one go. I use my post rewards to buy these elements in the game and this is how I build my account whatever it is now.

I know that it is not a one-day game instead proper planning and consistency are important. I have spent almost 3 years on this game and in the next year I am going to upgrade my cards to the diamond level. This duration is on the higher side and maybe I can do the same within 6 months. Let's see how things are planned and executed in the game for me. This game is for everyone including the players and investors and I am trying to play a role of both as much as possible based on my understanding and knowledge that I am trying to grab here on this platform.

(Splinterlands is a fantastic play-to-earn game and if you like to join then do it through my affiliate link shared below-)

Thank you so much
Stay Safe

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