Talent Drain Due To Unreasonable Restrictions In Local Economies

It’s so relatable and so true that almost every Nigerian dream is to leave the country and cheer the country from outside the country. This is common with most country that economically restrict their citizens from a lot of things especially the younger generations. This is the reason We have found lots of wasted and drained talents in the country. Most people end up giving up in utilizing their talents because of lost hope. You know how that affects the economy? It weakens the economy making some of the best talents relocate and utilize their talents else where.


This has been a vicious cycle over the years and it’s looking like all hopes are lost in the country. Nobody wants to be where they are under appreciated, I can’t count how many times my Dad had wished I wasn’t brought up in my country Nigeria because he thinks my skills are undervalued and under appreciated in Nigeria. Parents in Nigeria spend lots of money making sure their children school abroad and the beauty of this is, most of them don’t flop because they know where they are coming from, so they are utilizing the opportunity to the fullest.

This problem is going to take lots of work and decades before it gets resolved. The people in power don’t care, the next people that will be in power will probably not care because politics is a dirty game. The past, the present and the future leaders are all in the same chat room. Different faces but the same agenda.

Leveraging The Opportunity Of Crypto and The Internet
I am among those people whose dream is leaving the country and relocating to a better country. Just the way a Nigerian is thinking of taking that bold step of leaving the country, thousands of other Nigerians are thinking the same. When I applied to relocate to Canada in 2018 and got my visa denied, I decided to use the internet and crypto as a leverage to building the life I want to build for myself.

Lots of opportunities are on the internet you will be amazed by how much lots of people have been able to achieve with the internet. If you are reading this, it’s obvious you are on Hive and you know what I am saying. Lots of people are making money on Hive which we can see for ourselves. People are working online as freelancer and some of them are making enough money even more money than being employed. I met someone who has made over $200,000 from fiver, giving him better opportunities to acquire properties with this money.

Earning like a foreigner while living in Nigeria gives you a better opportunity of saving. In as much as we complain about the country a lot, over taxing is something most Nigerians don’t experience, but inflation has its way of filling that void. If you are living in Nigeria and earning like some one that lives abroad then congratulations you have successfully leveraged the opportunity of the internet or crypto or whatever means you are utilizing.

While the internet and crypto gives opportunities, lots of people are yet to discover it or learn how to use it. This is where research and information come to play. One thing I have noticed about the internet is, in as much as the internet is a big world, it’s also a connected small world. This is because, most of the information I have found on internet was gotten through a chain. Let me explain, if you use Twitter and you follow some few people that tweet about crypto, those people follow other people that tweet about crypto and those people also follow other people. So you see how connected we all are, when one tweets about some really important information, the others retweet it and voila it gets to you.

Lots of Nigerians successfully made hundreds of thousands of dollars flipping NFTs between 2021 and now because of the information they got from people through the help of Twitter. They didn’t have to leave the country or become a specific citizen to benefit from crypto or internet. Although some countries are beginning to restrict the use of crypto which is sad. Nigerian government did that, but Nigerians decided to utilize P2P to the fullest.

If your country’s government gives you unreasonable restrictions, you can turn to the internet for redemption. But in a positive way, don’t use it negatively and blame the government like some people do.

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