Learn To Discipline Yourself Into The Nice Things

When I was young I watched the adults in my life work so hard, they disciplined theirselves so much to be hard workers because they believed that hard work is the only thing that gets you what you want. This means that you have to discipline yourself to do all the hard works. It all started with getting an education, study hard, get a degree with good result. Getting a degree with good result is not easy because you have to study hard, studying hard is not easy because you have to be discipline to study hard. This means that when others have free time for extra curricular activities you don’t, you have to study. All your life you go through a delayed gratification mechanism.


Now you are a graduate, it’s time to get a job, this means that you have to constant work from Monday to Friday just so you can pay your bills. Any extra money you have or make, you have to invest them just so you can have something to show for your existence on earth. Could be working so hard to get a new house or a new car, or jewelries, but what else is there about life? This is the reason you find a lot of vacation spots filled with older people, they spent their whole youthful time working so hard that they forgot to also discipline their selves into nicer things.

What do I mean by discipline yourself into nice things, just as much as you are ready to always sacrifice all your money to invest in your business or whatever source of income that you have, also invest in yourself to make yourself happy. When was the last time you went for a good body massage. Relieve your body off those stress so you can sleep better. Take yourself shopping make yourself feel good, this is something that is easy but yet not easy. We have been trained to discipline ourselves into doing the hard work but not into doing nice things for ourselves. Lots of people out there still think that spending money on theirselves is a waste of money but spending it on bills and family is the right thing to do.

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