Coca-Cola Recipe Leak: How Much Would You Sell The Recipe?

Ever since I was young i have always been told how Coca-Cola is the most superior coke soda in the world, the next is the Pepsi brand, and Coca-Cola has a recipe that isn’t known to anyone but some exclusive people, because that is what makes their product unique. Where is the uniqueness if everyone knows your selling secret? This then made Coca-Cola spend a lot of money in making sure that the recipe remains secure. Rumor has it that the recipe is kept in a very secure vault that was built with a lot of money. So let’s call it a multi million dollar vault. It’s valid to spend that much on a vault if it’s the secret of a billion dollar empire.

Rumor also has it that only two people know the recipe. Wow!! I wonder who those people are, they are protected by not being allowed to travel at the same time should incase anything happen, let it not happen to both of them at once. That is a great responsibility right there, having to have a multi billion dollar company’s secret and can’t share it. Well, it’s expected that an NDA(Non-Disclosure Agreement) must have been signed, I mean, what company wouldn’t sign one when two people know their secret.

But guess what? One of them decided to play a fast one, by selling it to Coca-Cola biggest competitor, Pepsi. Hmm, tempting right? If you were in the position of Pepsi, how much would you buy it? If you were the person in charge of the recipe and didn’t sign an NDA how much would you sell the recipe? Well, that is not the case here, as Pepsi didn’t buy the recipe from the compromised source who wanted to sell the recipe to them. They called Coca-Cola and the FBI and this person got arrested.

For a business company like Coca-Cola I would say the recipe would have cost a billion dollars or more if it was to be sold or bought. This will make Coca-Cola lose its value, and probably lose a lot of money in stock and shares. Imagine how much loss they would be in if Pepsi decided to also sell the recipe to other coke soda producing companies, just so we can have every coke soda tasting like Coca-Cola. Kudos to Pepsi for not buying, it would have been disastrous for Coca-Cola.

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