HoneyGain Goes Crypto! Thus Giving Out 50% More In Earnings Via JumpTask Wallet (Connect To It With MetaMask) - Share Your Internet And Earn!

HoneyGain Make Use Of Your Internet and Earn Crypto, Passively With No Effort!

Join Honeygain, which now goes crypto too and giving out a payout of 50% extra via JumpTask wallet you easily connect to via MetaMask.

Honeygain works by sharing your unused internet, thus giving you a paycheck for it either as a payout to your PayPal or via Jumptask wallet as their crypto token on BSC (Binance Smart Chain). As told you get 50% more by going JumpTask. You also get $5 for free by register via the link below!

If you don't have free/no limit internet can you easily set how much gb you want to share or if you just want to share when connected to wi-fi. Honeygain is an app on android (google play) and on iPhone (app store) but also as an application on Windows and MacBook.
Register now and start to earn free crypto or Paypal payout just by giving your unused internet away.

Register and create an account by clicking here.

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