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Splinterlands: Modern or Wild, it is preferable time for buying CHAOS packs and cards.

Splinterlands: Modern or Wild, it is preferable time for buying CHAOS packs and cards.

Splinterland's latest townhall was unique in many aspects as I guess that it might first time where the announcement is not for releasing something big in coming days but instead of it is focussing and talking about the quality of updates, new player and expansion from marketing. Taking excerpts from the town hall post which highlight their determinations for the same.

Land 1.5Dev work for SPS stakingBlocking bots from Modern formatGuild buildingsQuality of Life updatesQuality of Life updatesBacklog itemsQuality of Life submissionsWorking toward fewer releases that are high quality and not rushedWorking on the new player experience

So personally, I am expecting that Splinterland is going to fill all the shortcomings and gaps of the past releases and will clear all the past due items and will put more focus on enhancing player experience and adding new players instead of launching something new in a short period of time.

So How CHAOS packs fit in

Even if you are currently playing in Modern or Wild, CHAOS cards are relevant and useful in both leagues and having CHAOS cards give the liberty to choose any of the league Wild and Modern if Splinterlnd launches new sets of cards and the biggest motivation of adding CHAOS packs and cards come due to the current cheap price of CHAOS packs and cards in the market, I feel it is the good time to stock them.

So CHAOS packs are just costing $1.35 in the market and even if the price pack is compared against DEC, they are costing only 1831 DEC only.
This is actually a huge discount for the cards and packs that can currently be used in the Modern and Wild formats of the game. Even if new pack sets get released in the future, CHAOS being the current latest edition still can be used in the Modern and Wild formats of the game.
The usability of CHAOS cards and their price point make it very attractive for me to buy CHAOS.

I am very happy that I am able to buy the nice stock of CHAOS card packs in this slump.

My plan for these packs is simple, I will keep opening them slowly in chunks of 200 once my potion quota fills and to get my CHAOS deck to Gold level (lvl 6 rare summoner and lvl 3 legendary summoner) and if I get a chance to get some handsome return from it then I will be open for the trade also.

So currently I am focussing on building CHAOS team as it will be the cheapest and most longevity team as of today.

My other post in Splinterlands.

Splinterverse (Splinterlands Metaverse) : A comprehensive ecosystem for everyone to earn.

Staked 200K SPS and my future Splinterland's plan.

Splinterland's : Can I Survive on my Splinterland's earnings.

Splinterland's : Explosive growth is yet to come.

Splinterland's : Earned assets worth more than 1 BTC.

Splinterlands : Land release might change the way of playing Splinterlands .

Splinterlands : When luck strike twice in gap of few days.

Splinterlands : Ways to earn DEC

Splinterlands : Do not ignore Guilds

Analyzing the CHAOS packs

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Splinterlands : My passive income generator

Splinterland's : My road to 300K staked SPS

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Splinterland's : SPS rewards did kicked up Brawl participation
Splinterland's : Recap of my November Earning

Splinterland's: Pulled trigger to buy more SPS.

Note for my affiliates

If you want to play splinterlands then you can join it here

I saw few of the player joined the game using my affiliate link and then stopped playing after few battles. If you have any difficulty in playing game, do not hesitate and join the game discord. It is really helping community and contact me here or on discord, I will definitely review your game for your better game experience.