Splinterlands: Splinterland's Guilds and their importance in your gameplay and upcoming SPS rewards for Guild.

Splinterlands: Splinterland's Guilds and their importance in your gameplay and upcoming SPS rewards for Guild.

What are Splinterland's Guild.

Guild is the Splinterland's in game feature where players form an alliance and work towards some common goals and they get some additional bonus in the game based on their Guild level.

In other words you can compare Guild as an "Alliance" between players where they are working together for common objective to reap some benefits in Game.


So if you see in top left of your game screen, you will see the option of "GUILDS" in the game. There are already so many existing Guilds in game that are displayed according to their rating.

So can anyone create the Splinterland's Guilds?

Any Splinterland's player can create the Guild by paying 10000 (10K) DEC.


But creation of guild is not the end of it, and it creates just level 1 building and Guild level can be upgraded to level 10 and
and upgrading to each level require more amount of DEC then the previous level.

What are current benefits of Splinterland's Guilds.

Players get the guild benefits according to their guild level that are below:

1. Ranked Battle Bonus

Players get the bonus % on the ranked battles , If you are part of max level guild having level 10 Lodge then you will get staggering 20% on DEC rewards as well as focus rewards points.

20% bonus is really a good bonus

2. Earning Merits.

As a guild player , you can take part in brawls and brawl rewards will give "Merits" to the individual players and that Merits can be redeemed for Gladius pack and which give Gladiators that cannot be purchased in the market. Gladiators can be burned for DEC but will you?

3. Upcoming SPS rewards.

I am more excited for the upcoming SPS rewards in guild frays that are 2.5 million SPS rewards per months, if you just think that if ranked battle rewards per month for all players is 7.5 million SPS per month then players getting 2.5 million SPS per month for brawl rewards is really are good rewards and should motivate everyone to join guild and work towards guild goals.

My other post in Splinterlands.

Splinterverse (Splinterlands Metaverse) : A comprehensive ecosystem for everyone to earn.

Staked 200K SPS and my future Splinterland's plan.

Splinterland's : Can I Survive on my Splinterland's earnings.

Splinterland's : Explosive growth is yet to come.

Splinterland's : Earned assets worth more than 1 BTC.

Splinterlands : Land release might change the way of playing Splinterlands .

Splinterlands : When luck strike twice in gap of few days.

Splinterlands : Ways to earn DEC

Splinterlands : Do not ignore Guilds

Note for my affiliates

If you want to play splinterlands then you can join it here

I saw few of the player joined the game using my affiliate link and then stopped playing after few battles. If you have any difficulty in playing game, do not hesitate and join the game discord. It is really helping community and contact me here or on discord, I will definitely review your game for your better game experience.


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