My Hive goals : Able to makeup for my laziness to get on track.

My Hive goals : Able to makeup for my laziness to get on track.

I am able to complete my Hive goal of this year a month back and look like afterwards I id not track my progress and actually I almost took a break and my activity on Hivestats was looking below around a week ago.


With 0 Authors rewards and earning only 1/3rd of the curation rewards that I am supposed to earn , look like I gave a serious dent to my Hive goals.
Any ways tool like Hivestats really help in the reality check and allow to track the progress.
By seeing the graph , I understood I cannot leave it unattended and expect the magic will happen.

It does not look like I am still on much track for the current week but atleast it is not 0.


With 35 Hive power added this week, I am nowhere close to my weekly goal of adding 125 HP per week. Since I published my last report almost a month ago, I m supposed to be at 12500 HP at coming Monday so that I can maintain my weekly progress.

Since my current HP is at 12182 HP, so it is almost deficit of 318 HP. But thanks that I have some spare Hive and some favorable trade and selling of tokens mainly DEC and CHAOS, I am able to power up 360 Hive today and able to have 12542 HP and crossed my goal 12500 HP. Now I have ample time to reach my goal 12675 HP on next to next Monday (almost 10 days.) I also hope my earnings will increase and may be I am able to pull one more favorable trade on Hive Engine.

It is really good that even with this inactivity ,I am able to cover up my weekly goals but I really understood 2 things.

1. Set up Auto curation.
Setting up auto curation using or following up curation trail is not a daunting task at all. If you are going absent then it really advisable to follow a trail or auto upvote your favourite authors.

2.Keep showing.
I gues , even I have written some small post , I might earn something on it, Atleast author rewards will not become 0 and I keep in touch with chain also.

Let see how the things move up in coming days as I am feeling that Splinterland's chest are also not yielding desired result as per effort and Vouchers are also in tanked state where I do not think to sell them for Hive and these is no further presale that can drive them up, so I feel I have to focus more on chain or else I will need to sell the DEC to keep me moving.

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