Men are like crypto : My thoughts on International Men's day

Today's is International Men's Day ,yeah it true that 19th of the November is celebrated as International Men's Day

I do not know why, when I learnt about this day and thought about stereotypes associated with men then it look to me it is very similar to the stereotypes associated with cryptocurrencies.


I guess most common stereotypes with men is that they should be tough ,strong, aggressive and always ready to pick fights and I guess most common stereotypes goes with cryptocurrencies they are purely for illicit activities, money laundering and used for funding criminal activities but in reality Blockchain is most transparent ledger in the world.

In our above stereotype we forget that men are caring, loving and stand for cause also and crypto is mean of distributing the wealth fairly.

Women bank on men and thinking every man is reliable and trusted and when they encounter some bad mangoes they blame the whole basket of mangoes. Doesn't it look same that some user got scammed or invested in scam project without doing proper research and blame the whole cryptocurrencies world.

Don't you think as a man you get more pressure to excel and supposed to get success in your each and every work and I guess same goes for crypto project as their backers always have question like when 10x, when 100x,when lambo and when moon. Give little time, few things need time to master and excel and instant success is not possible in all cases.

It's is common that we expect that if any bad time come then men is strong enough to handle on it's own without any external help and bad time is purely due to some poor planning or lacking smartness in part of men but we all know that some situations are unexpected and cannot be preplanned. Doesn't it look same when crypto projects got some issues the first blame goes to developers and lot of stones pelted instead of offering help in most cases.

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2020 theme of International Men's day is "Better health for Men and Boys" , so guys take care of your health and your crypto wallets too.

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