Rivalry Among Siblings Doesn't Necessarily Come From Within

Hello everyone
Hope you're all doing great.


Most times we tend to see life as a competition, meanwhile you are not competing with anyone except ourselves and most of this competition (rivalry) if really traced can be channeled to so many factors one of which is family.
Rivalry among siblings is not always so pleasant, although I do not witness it among my siblings, but i have seen it in other people's families, and it resulted in lasting hatred among themselves.

I don't know if we have anyone who didn't fight or have misunderstanding with their siblings, I could recall one that took place with my brother, and it was handled immediately, by God's grace my mum did a great job on us by discipling us when we derail, and she train us to love each other as our entire life depends on each other. Although most times it seems she loves the last born more than all of us, 😄 but we are grown adults so as the baby of the house, she still pay more attention to him, but that would not bring discrimination, she dwell with all of us accordingly. And we all live in love, unity and harmony, confiding in each other.

But most of the time when the devil sees unity in a place, he will find a way to bring up one problem, fight and argument in the midst of them to bring the separation.
We were doing just fine until one of my extended cousins and my aunty came to live in the house with us, although my aunty was there before she came, she told us that she is just staying for some time then she will move back to calabar.
I am the last female child, I have elderly siblings, so when she came at first she pretended to be very nice and loving, I was excited that she had blended with the way we lived, but to my surprise she became someone else.

My mum is against keeping late nights, suddenly she started keeping late nights. My mum loved using this adage that "things of the night are always dark you won't recognize a white material when it is dark, same is applicable to people" she would explain, my mum kept telling her one thing, and since my mum is not often in the house during day time, she would go to my aunty and say to her everything she knows how to say painting my mum the bad person, and we were expecting our aunty to come and ask her sister to know the truth, but she didn't rather she joined forces with her, we continue to tolerate it not until sister's friend came visiting from another state, she now turned and faced my Esther and her friend Oluchi, tagged another named, it became so serious that what I have never seen among my siblings started happening, aguement, fight, this one will not see this one and greet it became unbearable we started praying about it, so one night as usual, she came in pack her things and left the house, we taught that was the end, she now moved to my elder brother's house and caused another fight there, when she saw that she has set fire in the house (not physical fire) before my brother could return from the station, she packed her things and ran away and was never to be found again. And my family was reunited again.

Few years ago was the last time we heard from her, that she was sick, the sickness became severe and all the treatment given to her proved abortive, sadly she died.


Although my sister couldn't bear it because her integrity and that of her friend was tempered with, so she had to react.
The way we train our children is a determining factor on how they react to situations.

Thank you for reading through ♥️

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