Why I love Palantir and why I will hold $PLTR

This video recently showed up in my YouTube feed algorithmically and it immediately struck a chord with me. This guy, the CEO of Palantir shows and talks about all the things that are wrong with big tech. He goes over the points which make sense that all these big tech companies use the countries resources as much as they can but at the end of the day don't help the governments of the very countries which was the reason why they are there in the first place.

When asked about the offenders, he doesn't want to name them but clearly he is talking about the big tech companies which include FAANGs (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google).

Ideally we live in a crypto powered world where we don't need centralized entities and fiat currencies but but in the current situation that we are in today, I totally agree with Alex Karp that these companies and corporations have a moral responsibility to support the governments which are supporting them.

In addition to that, Cathy Wood who is a massive Bitcoin bull bought tons of Palantir during the recent dip. The CEO also says that they are not too worried about the short term shortcomings but are focussed on the long term vision and future of the company.

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